What do the two career college guys (eight years each) and an adventurous girl get themselves into in Jeff Lyon’s new indie “Finding Jack Kerouac”? Something a little bit rite-of-passage, but definitely mixed-up:
When Lisa gives Mitch a copy of “On The Road” by Jack Kerouac, Mitch’s life takes a definite turn. Mitch decides to become a beatnik, hitchhike to New York, talk to Jack Kerouac, and write the next great American novel. Dwight and Lisa both decide to join him on his quest, but their journey is flawed from the outset.
Unbeknownst to Mitch, Jack Kerouac is dead. Lisa thinks that Mitch is trying to find Jack Kerouac, ‘like you find religion, or yourself.’ Dwight just wants to roadtrip.
“Finding Jack Kerouac” hits home with anyone who’s ever itched for the open road, or changed majors more than twice. The [ official site ] is a great travel companion — it houses cast and crew bios, behind-the-scenes stills, and the latest news from the “Kerouac” team.