Film Threat’s latest Film in 140 Panel on Twitter took place on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 from 9-10pm EST. Our topic was “Social Issue Documentaries: Good Karma or Bad Cinema?” The panel transcript is below…
- Open the Panel Room on Film Threat. The official moderator and panelist feed will be viewable there, as well as a full, unmoderated feed. Room automatically refreshes every 60 seconds.
- Follow the Panelist List via @Filmin140Panel. This list will be updated prior to the panel start with the panelists who will be speaking that evening. This is the cleanest way to follow only the panelists and official conversation on Twitter, and is the same official feed as found above.
- Search for the hashtag #filmin140 on Twitter.com. The official questions posed to, and answers given by, the panelists will be marked with this hashtag, and you will also be able to read comments by anyone else who ends their Tweets with this hashtag. This is the same as the unmoderated feed above
- Follow along at TweetChat or TwapperKeeper. Both of these sites will be set up to follow and archive the #filmin140 hashtag.
- Ask your question via tweet, and end with the hashtag #filmin140q. Not all questions will get answered, but we will be actively monitoring the question hashtag, and selecting questions to officially pose to our panelists from this grouping.
- If you wish to follow along and monitor the questions yourself, you can search for the hashtag #filmin140q, or follow along at TweetChat or TwapperKeeper.
After the official time is up, the conversation can continue, it just will no longer be moderated or monitored. Simply continue using the #filmin140 hashtag with your tweets and talk to the panelists, or other audience members, as long as you’d like.
Each panel will be archived as a transcript on Film Threat for later reading. The archive for the last panel, “Beyond NY and LA: Can You Make It Anywhere?” can be found here and all Film in 140 panels and related articles can be found here.
If you want to know what the next panel topic will be, who the panelists are or want to keep track of any changes or updates to the panel process, follow Filmin140Panel on Twitter. You can also follow panel organizers Film Threat, Sheri Candler and Charles Judson, as we’ll be updating info via our feeds as well (plus, we talk a lot, so maybe you’ll wind up enjoying our feeds for something more than panel information).
If you’d like to educate yourself on the potential differing opinions on the panel, “Social Issue Documentaries: Good Karma or Bad Cinema?”, we will be adding informational links shortly. Check back with us heading up to the panel start date, as we update this page with new links whenever possible, and prepare to join in on the discussion on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 from 9-10pm EST!
- Tim Horsburgh, Communications Manager for Kartemquin Films
- Dawn Mikkelson, Owner of Emergence Pictures, a company dedicated to an emerging world view; instructor in documentary filmmaking with IFP Minnesota; her documentary films include “This Obedience,” “Green Green Water” and “The
Red Tail” - Jon Reiss, Named one of “10 Digital Directors to Watch” by Daily Variety, Jon Reiss has made 2 documentary features, BETTER LIVING THROUGH CIRCUITRY; a startling, humorous and entertaining glimpse into the exploding rave culture and BOMB IT; covering the explosion of graffiti culture throughout the world while exploring the myriad complexities regarding public space.
- Social issue documentaries: Building a movement
- FFF – What we can learn from social issue docs
- COMMENTARY: A Film Critics Seminar at IDFA Points to Everything That Is Wrong In Documentary Today
- In ‘Waiting for Superman,’ a Scene Isn’t What It Seems
“The part I like about documentary is that it can be anything. The part I don’t like is that you are constantly being told that documentary has to be one thing, rather than a whole multiple of things” – Errol Morris in “Capturing reality – The art of documentary”
Filmin140Panel Welcome to tonight’s Film in 140 Twitter Panel! Our topic tonight is “Social Issue Documentaries: Good Karma or Bad Cinema?” #filmin140 -9:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel You can follow along with the conversation at Film Threat (http://bit.ly/daqlJq) or at TweetChat (http://bit.ly/abFubH) #filmin140 -9:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth Doug Dearth reporting for duty…or something #filmin140 -9:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel Our moderators this evening are atlfilm365, FilmThreat and shericandler #filmin140 -9:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel Our panelists are Tim Horsburgh (timhorsburgh), Communications Manager for @Kartemquin Films,… #filmin140 -9:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel …Dawn Mikkelson (Emergencegrrl), documentary filmmaker and owner of Emergence Pictures and… #filmin140 -9:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd Join me for a #filmin140 TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/filmin140 #filmin140 -9:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler ddearth hey Doug, glad you are here too #filmin140 -9:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel …Jon Reiss (Jon_Reiss), documentary filmmaker behind BOMB IT and BETTER LIVING THROUGH CIRCUITRY #filmin140 -9:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel Though we have panelists, multiple voices are welcome, so join in the discussion! #filmin140 -9:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
juicyplanet #filmin140 sign in first timer -9:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Welcome to tonight’s Film in 140 Twitter Panel! Our topic tonight is “Social Issue Documentaries: Good Karma or Bad Cinema?” #filmin140 -9:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
juicyplanet hello all #filmin140 -9:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat You can follow along with the conversation at Film Threat (http://bit.ly/daqlJq) or at TweetChat (http://bit.ly/abFubH) #filmin140 -9:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ICMovies RT FilmThreat: Welcome to tonight’s Film in 140 Twitter Panel! Our topic tonight is “Social Issue Documentaries: Good Karma or Bad Cinema?” #filmin140 -9:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler juicyplanet welcome we can see you #filmin140 -9:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie Glad to be in the room. #filmin140 -9:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss my fingers are burning – when can i start? #filmin140 -9:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel Okay, NOW Emergencegrrl and timhorsburgh… what are your issues with the title of the panel? #filmin140 -9:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
theodorefisher Interested in documentaries, Twitterites? I suggest you check the #filmin140 hashtag right now. -9:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT FilmThreat: Follow along with the conversation at Film Threat (http://bit.ly/daqlJq) or at TweetChat (http://bit.ly/abFubH) #filmin140 -9:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel Jon_Reiss Anytime you want. #filmin140 -9:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Title to me implies…don’t try to make change. Do we ask same Q of other social issue non-fiction: art, books etc? #filmin140 -9:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Issues . . . where to begin . . . the implication that so many social issue docs are inherently bad cinema. #filmin140 -9:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Ok – well even back to my first SRL docs- I viewed them as propoganda #filmin140 -9:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler I think the title derives from the perception that they aren’t unbiased journalism, they all have a pt of view #filmin140 -9:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss However I always wanted to make my films stylistic as well – but I always feel that there is a strong social message #filmin140 -9:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz Answer: Neither. Social Issue Docs are good cinema and Karma is canceled by profit #filmin140 -9:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel Emergencegrrl What of the implication that social issue docs are inherently good cinema? #filmin140 -9:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd i think social issue oriented films can break through the sound bite barrier & bring some much needed context. #filmin140 -9:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd On the other hand problem with social issue docs is that they may not be evergreen… #filmin140 -9:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss I feel that a strong point of view is welcome – and exists in most great film. I don’t believe that docs need to be fair. #filmin140 -9:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler and the feeling that anyone with a camera can shoot a doc without any need to structure a story #filmin140 -9:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen some crappy social issue docs, but I’ve also seen equal # of crappy fiction films. #filmin140 -9:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
gregorybayne Nice one! RT Chuklz Answer: Neither. Social Issue Docs are good cinema and Karma is canceled by profit #filmin140 -9:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss shericandler – docs don’t need to be unbiased – shouldn’t be unbiased – that used to be for journalism – #filmin140 -9:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh shericandler a) they aren’t journalism (whole ‘nother debate..), b) the cream ones rise to the top – just like any genre #filmin140 -9:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope Interested in social issue docs? Participate at (http://bit.ly/abFubH) #filmin140 -9:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ICMovies hi guys..just casually listening…#filmin140 -9:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Jon_Reiss do you feel the need to view from both sides? do you know going in what the story will be? #filmin140 -9:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Anyone with a camera can shoot, but a camera and edit system does not make a good storyteller, regardless of genre. #filmin140 -9:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh I think we do ask those questions of other non-fiction art, or are maybe even more critical. #filmin140 -9:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Jon_Reiss Agree docs don’t need to give both sides of an issue. It’s POV of filmmaker’s take on soicial issue et al. #filmin140 -9:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler timhorsburgh so are you telling me that all docs are meant to be told only from the filmmakers understanding of the issue? #filmin140 -9:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz Journalism has never been unbiased, but facts seemed to be checked more often in the past. #filmin140 -9:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss I personally feel my films are stronger if I get an opposing point of view. Food Inc even did that. But I don’t think its necc #filmin140 -9:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
gregorybayne shericandler I don’t think that is relegated to just social issue docs, or even docs. Seen many indie narratives lately? #filmin140 -9:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Generally a film will be stronger with an opposing point of view. #filmin140 -9:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl shericandler and what if both sides don’t hold equal weight? What if your story fills in a hole that the media has missed? #filmin140 -9:10 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh shericandler No, I don’t believe I implied that at all. But bias is unavoidable. #filmin140 -9:10 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss gregorybayne agreed – I think there are a lot of not great films made – no matter what the genre #filmin140 -9:10 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr I can imagine a doc whose purpose is to shed light on both sides of an issue. Sure that I have seen those. But I don’t expect it #filmin140 -9:10 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd There’s a saying… everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts… #filmin140 -9:10 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Some of the strongest docs in my opinion are totally didactic – Michael Moore for one. #filmin140 -9:10 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler for me, I want to know both sides. If you are showing me something real life, I want to know the real story #filmin140 -9:10 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl In my films I’m generally representing a side of the story missed by the mainstream. Where other side is known. #filmin140 -9:11 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth A Walk to Beautiful another #filmin140 -9:11 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss And when a doc spends too much of its time always balancing a point of view – you kind of feel you are watching a TV show #filmin140 -9:11 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Jon_Reiss with Michael Moore I already know what I am going to get, then have to search out the other side myself #filmin140 -9:11 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss I think good filmmakers have a strong point of view – that is what makes a good film stand out – in any genre #filmin140 -9:11 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Jon_Reiss agreed. #filmin140 -9:11 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz All drama is conflict. If the audience is familiar with the topic then both sides are unnecessary. i.e. Fahrenheit 911 #filmin140 -9:11 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT vgbnd There’s a saying… everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts.< Those were the good old days. #filmin140 -9:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Some docs do suffer from sharing both sides; one side can be more entertaining & to strive to be unbiased can be boring. #filmin140 -9:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT Emergencegrrl: I’m generally representing a side of the story missed by the mainstream. Where other side is known. #filmin140 -9:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss shericandler you just need to turn on Fox news 🙂 #filmin140 -9:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh I guess my main gripe with the title is that it feels like something documentary has outgrown. We’ve moved on now… #filmin140 -9:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Sheri asked about narrative – that is what is key to a feature doc – finding the story – it is less about being “objective” #filmin140 -9:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms The documentary that purports to fully show both sides is often one to be wary of. #filmin140 -9:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
gregorybayne RT Jon_Reiss: I think good filmmakers have a strong point of view – that is what makes a good film stand out – in any genre #filmin140 -9:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Jon_Reiss don’t get me started!! and I can see how it blinds ppl to only know one side of a story, whip them into frenzy #filmin140 -9:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh No serious doc maker thinks they can make an impact with a badly made film… right? Or maybe I am deluded in this feeling? #filmin140 -9:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss timhorsburgh well there are some social issue docs that aren’t the most stylistic – but that is not the point #filmin140 -9:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
gregorybayne Yes. RT Jon_Reiss when a doc spends too much of its time always balancing a point of view – you feel you are watching a TV show #filmin140 -9:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr One of the problems is that often opposing sides have their own “facts”. Politics primo example. #filmin140 -9:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth And a good human story is what incites us to take action #filmin140 -9:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss I think what is important is the goal of the filmmaker. Some just want to convey a message – change the world – #filmin140 -9:14 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh I think the key is your use of “serious doc maker.” As a critical voice, I can say that I’ve seen… #filmin140 -9:14 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Jon_Reiss agreed again. A clear narrative is crucial. Not only tells a good story, but opens doors to empathy. #filmin140 -9:14 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler this is true, to humanize an issue is best RT ddearth: And a good human story is what incites us to take action #filmin140 -9:14 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Empathy is what is needed if you want people to really understand why your issue needs to be addressed. #filmin140 -9:14 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat …many social issue docs that seem to coast on their subject matter, as if it is a free ticket from criticism. #filmin140 -9:14 PM Nov 10th, 2010
AbbyCEllis RT worthwhilefilms: The documentary that purports to fully show both sides is often one to be wary of. #filmin140 -9:14 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss ddearth agreed and some of the best social issue docs focus on one person – and tell their story -mkng it uni – that is an art! #filmin140 -9:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat And of course, none come to mind off the top of my head, dammit 😉 #filmin140 -9:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss But you won’t get that from my films! 🙂 #filmin140 -9:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler as doc filmmakers how do you determine the human angle to take? how do you determine the “main character?” #filmin140 -9:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth Jon_Reiss and brings the issue to us personally. #filmin140 -9:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss AbbyCEllis agreed – and usually one i avoid esp in theaters #filmin140 -9:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Finally on a computer that I can tweet from! #filmin140 -9:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets But isn’t a one-sided “documentary” just another form of propaganda? #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Hah! RT FilmThreat: And of course, none come to mind off the top of my head, dammit 😉 #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Obviously docs can’t be completely unbiased. Once you focus on one thing over another, you’ve shown a bias of some sort. #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl shericandler the story that keeps me up late at night is the one that I follow. That’s the “main character”. #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat corrietweets I think so, and that’s how I felt about FOOD INC. #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets To truly document something, events must be portrayed as they occurred, not through lenses colored with your personal bias. #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss shericandler its in the footage many doc filmmakers will film 12-18 characters to get 2-3 to tell the story with #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth yea it can be like looking at the neighbors vacation photos for too long. If it is done poorly #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms shericandler Like, what isn’t propaganda, man? #filmin140 -9:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd corrietweets Depends on what side of the doc you’re on… It’s all propaganda… It’s all agitprop… #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh I try to forget the bad movies, you know? Apparently I’ve done so here… #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets The truth will shine through. #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Emergencegrrl do you usually start to see the arc AFTER you have footage? How long does it take? #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz its only propaganda if its paid for by a govt RT corrietweets: But isn’t a one-sided “doc” just another form of propaganda? #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Emergencegrrl True. But I think it takes more than empathy for one side. Which is sometimes lacking in some docs. #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr vgbnd Heard you. Agree w/ you. But problem is that often one side touts their ‘opinions’ as facts. Therein lies big problem. #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Emergencegrrl It’s the same problem that some fiction films have, in which only a few characters are fleshed out. #filmin140 -9:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl corrietweets everything shown in film is edited with a perspective. Strive to convey an event without bias, impossible. #filmin140 -9:18 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd elizabethkarr Your opinions have to be based on some facts that can be checked… They aren’t facts on your say so… #filmin140 -9:18 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel timhorsburgh Since u think we’re beyond the discussion suggested by the title, what discussion do you think should be happening? #filmin140 -9:18 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Chuklz mentions the paid for factor. Any of you get grants with strings attached? #filmin140 -9:18 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl shericandler I can see the arc near the beginning, but it usually evolves and becomes better than I planned due to real life. #filmin140 -9:18 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel That question is open to everybody, of course. #filmin140 -9:19 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Emergencegrrl does it lead you to the subjects you start with? how is the research done? not with camera in hand right? #filmin140 -9:19 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms Filmin140Panel Is there a common definition of documentary here? Or is that what we’re doing… #filmin140 -9:19 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd shericandler You might be striking out into raw nerve territory asking where financing for a doc comes from… #filmin140 -9:19 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets Emergencegrrl agree-very difficult to separate your own bias-esp when passionate about topic. but at least try. #filmin140 -9:19 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler vgbnd yeah, and? 🙂 #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl No strings attached with grants . . . but you know why you received the funds and sometimes that lingers in mind during edit. #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz Theres money on both sides of issues usually. #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 I think we too often use the word bias in place of perspective, and by extension use that as an out. #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd i think films should be discovered as you go along… Shoot first and ask yourself the questions later… #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
juicyplanet I have more difficulty with structure/form than conflict in current autobio-Doc doc on my Dad, a disabed Vet with mental illness #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets Chuklz I think limiting your definition of propaganda to only govt-paid material is naive… #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms Emergencegrrl sees the arc early but it gets better – that’s the magic. #filmin140 -9:20 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd shericandler Just saying 🙂 #filmin140 -9:21 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Filmin140Panel Well, this discussion of funding is interesting… but again – same for any filmmaker #filmin140 -9:21 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss shericandler I do a fair amount of research with camera in hand – i find i get some of my best material that way #filmin140 -9:21 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT Emergencegrrl: No strings attached with grants but you know why you received the funds,sometimes that lingers in mind #filmin140 -9:21 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Often my films as personal stories, so research is less a concern. That said, for background info I do extensive research. #filmin140 -9:21 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd corrietweets i agree propaganda is everywhere… propaganda is a point of view… #filmin140 -9:21 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel timhorsburgh Then what discussion exists about documentaries for you? #filmin140 -9:22 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss In general some doc filmmakers plan what the film will be in advance- but most i feel let the footage and dev story guide them #filmin140 -9:22 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler timhorsburgh you think any form of investment comes with strings to tell a story a certain way, yes? I can see that #filmin140 -9:22 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd shericandler i guess most people would looking for $$$ for a film look where they might find a sympathetic wallet… 🙂 #filmin140 -9:22 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets Emergencegrrl I also think a personal story is different than a traditional “cause” film/doc though… #filmin140 -9:23 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms Case could be made that when actors are paid to say things (narration), we’re already straying from alleged purity of docs. #filmin140 -9:23 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz corrietweets Well for me, its the only time it matters because any other source of propaganda you can always change the channel. #filmin140 -9:23 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets RT Jon_Reiss: shericandler I do a fair amount of research with camera in hand – i find i get some of my best material that way #filmin140 -9:23 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Filmin140Panel Well, I loved the @bnewman01 article you linked to in the notes on What We Can Learn From Docs.. #filmin140 -9:23 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd shericandler Yes. PBS has it’s criteria… HBO has it’s criteria… ITVS has it’s criteria and that filters through the film… #filmin140 -9:23 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl I’ve been accused by activist donors who support my topic that I didn’t hit hard enough on the “bad guy”. Felt icky. #filmin140 -9:24 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh RT shericandler: Yes on investment. #filmin140 -9:24 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler worthwhilefilms but when it is a fictional story, at least the audience KNOWS it is a perspective, not dictated by a cause #filmin140 -9:24 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT Emergencegrrl: Ive been accused by activist donors who support my topic that I didnt hit hard enough on the “bad guy”. #filmin140 -9:25 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel @bnewman01’s article linked here, for those who haven’t seen it: http://bit.ly/9XAxf9 #filmin140 -9:25 PM Nov 10th, 2010
jeannevb psst #scriptchat peeps: Jon_Reiss is guesting on #filmin140 RIGHT NOW -9:25 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss shericandler But just because a doc has a point of view – does not mean it is dictated by a cause. It could be dictated by the #filmin140 -9:25 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr RT Filmin140Panel: @bnewman01s article linked here, for those who havent seen it: http://bit.ly/9XAxf9 #filmin140 -9:25 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Emergencegrrl tell us a little about the time you DID hit hard enough #filmin140 -9:25 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms shericandler I’d put to you that ANY doc’s story is created. Largely from chunks of reality, but still created. #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Emergencegrrl And I think that’s one of the problems with some docs, that instead of just an antagonist, they’re bad guys. #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Filmin140Panel Another Q… if docs have moved past this quality debate.. how do they get audiences/critics to join them? #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets atlfilm365 on the other hand I think people use perspective in place of bias and use it as an out as well… 😉 #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz RT Emergencegrrl: I’ve been accused by activist donors who support my topic that I didn’t hit hard enough on the “bad guy”. Felt icky. #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss by the passion of the filmmaker. Every film has a POV – even Frederick Weisman decides where to point the camera – that is POV #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Will that ever happen? Still plenty of HUGE ‘film’ fans who don’t see docs as a genre that interests them at all #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 RT corrietweets: atlfilm365 on the other hand I think people use perspective in place of bias and use it as an out as well… 😉 #filmin140 -9:26 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT worthwhilefilms: shericandler Id put to you that ANY docs story is created.Largely from chunks of reality, but still created #filmin140 -9:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat RT timhorsburgh: Another Q… if docs have moved past this quality debate.. how do they get audiences/critics to join them? #filmin140 -9:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd shericandler i think the difference between doc & fiction is a thin line. We like to think not but all editing is manipulation. #filmin140 -9:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl atlfilm365 agreed. I don’t like good vs bad, but some more extreme folks in any movement will. #filmin140 -9:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Even my tweets are didactic! #filmin140 -9:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler timhorsburgh docs can be very dry, and with an overt POV which is a turn off. Escapism is the order of the day for many #filmin140 -9:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz When are social issue documentaries successful? When they change the world or when they find an audience? #filmin140 -9:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss How to get audiences – start early! #filmin140 -9:28 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl When I have hit hard enough I’ve been targeted by PR campaigns that spent many times more than my budget to discredit me. #filmin140 -9:28 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms RT vgbnd: We like to think not but all editing is manipulation. #filmin140 -9:28 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets RT shericandler: worthwhilefilms but when fictional story, at least audience KNOWS it is a perspective, not dictated by a cause #filmin140 -9:28 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Emergencegrrl That sucks! #filmin140 -9:28 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Jon_Reiss yeah, but there is no social justice cause behind you! Ppl won’t die if you don’t start early #filmin140 -9:28 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Chuklz good question! I would say that both matter and impact each other. #filmin140 -9:29 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT Jon_Reiss How to get audiences – start early!
#filmin140 -9:29 PM Nov 10th, 2010 timhorsburgh Seriously. RT Jon_Reiss: Emergencegrrl That sucks! #filmin140 -9:29 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT Emergencegrrl: When I have hit hard enough Ive been targeted by PR campaigns that spent budget to discredit me. #filmin140 -9:29 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 timhorsburgh Yes, and that’s why many programmers select social docs that have built in buzz/auds, or are easy sells. #filmin140 -9:29 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh I think that’s a good question. There is a lag, but how do you combat that? Education? Conversations like this? #filmin140 -9:29 PM Nov 10th, 2010
RussellMatthew RT FilmThreat: RT timhorsburgh: Another Q… if docs have moved past this quality debate.. how do they get audiences/critics to join them? #filmin140 -9:29 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth Join me for a #filmin140 TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/filmin140 #filmin140 -9:30 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Maybe for doc filmmakers the debate here is moot or old but for the critic/audience, by having it, maybe they can move beyond it. #filmin140 -9:30 PM Nov 10th, 2010
juicyplanet I’d love to hear personal opinions on structure and form/style in docs that really “move” you. examples? #filmin140 -9:30 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets Emergencegrrl atlfilm365 everyone likes a pep rally. hard core activists want to hear people agree w/ them & hate enemy. #filmin140 -9:30 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel RT juicyplanet: Id love to hear personal opinions on structure and form/style in docs that really “move” you. examples? #filmin140 -9:31 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT atlfilm365: timhorsburgh Yes, & thats why many programmers select social docs that have built in buzz/auds, are easy sells. #filmin140 -9:31 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets Good Q! RT Chuklz: When are social issue documentaries successful? When they change the world or when they find an audience? #filmin140 -9:31 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Thin Blue Line is a great social issue doc – with a POV #filmin140 -9:31 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets RT vgbnd i think the difference between doc & fiction is a thin line. We like to think not but all editing is manipulation. #filmin140 -9:31 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel RT Chuklz: When are social issue documentaries successful? When they change the world or when they find an audience? #filmin140 -9:31 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd i think a strong perspective and a hidden information make a great doc. My Trip To Al Quaeda is a good example… #filmin140 -9:32 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Filmin140Panel humor really moves me, a feeling that something can be accomplished to solve the prob #filmin140 -9:32 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss and moved me – i meant to say – Thin Blue Line #filmin140 -9:32 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl The Cove was a damned good social issue doc that read like an action/adventure. #filmin140 -9:32 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 corrietweets Many good docs have been ruined by filmmakers focusing on the “enemy” and not their subject. #filmin140 -9:32 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Chuklz a great! question. When are they considered successful? #filmin140 -9:32 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat shericandler Agreed. Humor can be helpful. I appreciate a good personal doc amid the glut of “the world is ending” fare #filmin140 -9:33 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd Filmin140Panel My Trip To Al Queada was a great example… Strong perspective with information not spoken of before… #filmin140 -9:33 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Chuklz Can’t change the world if no one sees the film. And if it’s not good, no one will see it. #filmin140 -9:33 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat YES! RT Emergencegrrl: The Cove was a damned good social issue doc that read like an action/adventure. #filmin140 -9:33 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Chuklz Success measured by both-need to find an audience for impact necessary for action to happen. #filmin140 -9:33 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Emergencegrrl but The Cove did have many detractors who railed against their propaganda. I just researched that one btw #filmin140 -9:33 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Success is when one of your subjects says that participating in the film was one of the things they are most proud of in life. #filmin140 -9:33 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets atlfilm365 I couldn’t agree more. “Many good docs have been ruined by filmmakers focusing on the “enemy” and not their subject.” #filmin140 -9:34 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl shericandler sounds to me like they did something right to have that kind of response on The Cove. #filmin140 -9:34 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT Emergencegrrl: Success is: 1 of your subjects says participating in the film was 1 of the things they are most proud of. #filmin140 -9:34 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh I WISH that were true. Bad films, docs included, are available to all. Maybe they’re not up for awards… #filmin140 -9:35 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd A film that gets dialogue, debate & discussion going after the screening is a successful film. #filmin140 -9:35 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz I love The Cove b/c it changed the world and saved the dophins. Structurally it was a 1 trick pony a really moving trick. #filmin140 -9:35 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT vgbnd: A film that gets dialogue, debate & discussion going after the screening is a successful film. #filmin140 -9:36 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 What’s the panelists take on the idea that social issue docs are going to be part of the “permanent” record of history? #filmin140 -9:36 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth shericandler agree! #filmin140 -9:36 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Problem I see is that docs often preach to choir. How does one meet challenge of reaching wider audience? #filmin140 -9:36 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler do you think getting dialogue, debate etc satisfies the investor as a success? #filmin140 -9:36 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Is there an obligation doc filmmakers have knowing that their film could be around for decades? #filmin140 -9:36 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Documentaries are “Weapons of mass construction” and “most powerful medium ever” – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GH1NgFct6G0 #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat RT elizabethkarr: Problem I see is that docs often preach to choir. How does one meet challenge of reaching wider audience? #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
joda07 Hope all y’all filmmakers out there are following #filmin140 – interesting discussions going on! -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT elizabethkarr: Problem I see is that docs often preach to choir. How does one meet challenge of reaching wider audience? #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh That’s Louis Psihoyos, director of THE COVE #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Good ? RT elizabethkarr: Problem docs often preach to choir. How does one meet challenge of reaching wider audience? #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope success is when people watch and find hope in the voices and stories #filmin140 #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd atlfilm365 History is written by the victors… A few of us non-victors would like to be a part of the historical record… #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth elizabethkarr By revealing your issue through someone who is not in the choir #filmin140 -9:37 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl shericandler. *giggle* did you just say investor? #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss !!RT atlfilm365 History is written by the victors… A few of us non-victors would like to be a part of the historical record… #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets shericandler I think a return on those benjamins satisfies an investor as success – haha #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope show the films in unexpected places #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh 🙂 RT Emergencegrrl: shericandler. *giggle* did you just say investor? #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat RT timhorsburgh: Documentaries are “Weapons of mass construction” and “most powerful medium ever” – http://bit.ly/8ZDhmA #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler is there merit in having screenings that purposely include opposing viewpts? Anyone doing that? #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
p_staatz RT elizabethkarr: Problem I see is that docs often preach to choir. How does one meet challenge of reaching wider audience? #filmin140 -9:38 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler timhorsburgh Emergencegrrl um…yes? #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd shericandler If people are dialoguing, debating & discussing then they are buying tickets or renting or buying DVD’s… #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl My DONORS never expect a financial return. The idea of investors is not one I consider. #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz timhorsburgh elizabethkarr Agreed. #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 RT vgbnd: atlfilm365 History is written by the victors… A few of us non-victors would like to be a part of the historical record… #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
gregorybayne RT Emergencegrrl: shericandler. *giggle* did you just say investor? #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
seriouslymc RT elizabethkarr: RT ddearth: elizabethkarr By revealing your issue through someone who is not in the choir
#filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010 Jon_Reiss The challenge of reaching a wider audience is a problem for all indep films if not all films. But you need to start with ur core #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Awesome! RT Emergencegrrl: My DONORS never expect a financial return. The idea of investors is not one I consider. #filmin140 -9:39 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets shericandler now THAT would be a cool idea – short films w/ opposing views shown on same night – talk about sparking discussion! #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 vgbnd But then you have to ask what’s being added to the historical record? #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT Emergencegrrl: My DONORS never expect a financial return. The idea of investors is not one I consider. #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope dialogue, debate & discussion can lead to understanding and change #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat I like retweeting questions, but I like answers too 😉 #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Your doc is return on $ RT Emergencegrrl My DONORS never expect a financial return. The idea of investors is not one I consider. #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl I usually have folks I know who don’t agree with my perspective watch drafts and take feedback VERY SERIOUSLY. #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss You have to try to keep getting your message out and little by little you find people who are not your choir who u r spking to #filmin140 -9:40 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler corrietweets now, where can we find these open minded ppl?? #filmin140 -9:41 PM Nov 10th, 2010
joda07 RT corrietweets:..now THAT wld b a cool idea – short films w/ opposing views shown on same night – talk abt sparking discussion! #filmin140 -9:41 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl worthwhilefilms You’re my hero . . and my arch nemesis. 😉 #filmin140 -9:41 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Agree with what Jon_Reiss is saying re: preaching to choir/reaching new audience #filmin140 -9:41 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd atlfilm365 i always look to see what the losers have to say about history. It’s a story that usually goes unheard if not untold. #filmin140 -9:41 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie Smart RT Emergencegrrl I usually have folks I know who don’t agree w/my perspective watch drafts & take feedback VERY SERIOUSLY #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 shericandler Two docs enter one doc leaves? 🙂 #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
gregorybayne One gripe I have with ‘social issue’ docs is how many times the makers end up playing a role in the film itself. #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Bookido RT Jon_Reiss: In general some doc filmmakers plan what the film will be in advance- but most i feel let the footage and dev story guide them #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. Really get folks thinking. #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT vgbnd: i always look to see what the losers have to say about history. Its a story that usually goes unheard if not untold. #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz !!! RT atlfilm365: shericandler Two docs enter one doc leaves? 🙂 #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms Emergencegrrl Not my project, I’m just an editor here, ma’am. #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Our doc @prisonerofpast has steadily built audience around Jewish/Holocaust issues… but now breaking into wider audience #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
jponcepalmieri RT FilmThreat: Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. Really get folks thinking. #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth FilmThreat Love it!! #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT corrietweets:..now THAT wld b a cool idea – short films w/ opposing views shown on same night -talk abt sparking discussion! #filmin140 -9:42 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler atlfilm365 no, we film the whole thing to use as marketing material. Oh no, Mark, it did turn into a marketing discussion! ;p #filmin140 -9:43 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets shericandler “now, where can we find these open minded ppl??” <-- hahah sad, but true... #filmin140 -9:43 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets atlfilm365 hahahaha “Two docs enter one doc leaves?” 🙂 #filmin140 -9:43 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd My film #MACHETERO is not a doc but it is a film about the social issue of colonialism in Puerto Rico. Choir not included… #filmin140 -9:43 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat shericandler I PROMISE we’ll do a marketing panel at some point, but come on 😉 #filmin140 -9:43 PM Nov 10th, 2010
theodorefisher RT FilmThreat: Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. Really get folks thinking. #filmin140 -9:43 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Love it. Features also. RT FilmThreat: Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. #filmin140 -9:43 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler see now we have found a whole new purpose for the True/False Film Festival 🙂 #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr corrietweets Excellent idea about opposing docs on same night 2 generate discussion #Festival programmers are you listening?! #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Doc filmmakers are blessed with tons of extra assets for marketing – yes sheri it always turns to that – #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 shericandler We need to get you a marketing jar. LIke a swear jar, but for when you mention marketing. 😉 #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat YES! RT shericandler: see now we have found a whole new purpose for the True/False Film Festival 🙂 #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Seriously if you are trying to communicate a POV – marketing and audience connect are essential. #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope RT FilmThreat: Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. Really get folks thinking. #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
zacsanford RT jeannevb: psst #scriptchat peeps: Jon_Reiss is guesting on #filmin140 RIGHT NOW -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Jon_Reiss no, he means I always turn it to that #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr I’m there. Brilliant. RT shericandler see now we have found a whole new purpose for the True/False Film Festival 🙂 #filmin140 -9:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Jon_Reiss Agreed. We have a built in audience that care about the issue we’re covering and often don’t utilize properly. #filmin140 -9:45 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler atlfilm365 I think doing shots would be more fun! I’ll go first #filmin140 -9:45 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Though, as recent politics show, putting things into polar opposition makes all of us dumber. And poorer. #filmin140 -9:46 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat shericandler Not necessarily you; as Jon_Reiss pointed out, maybe the inevitability of marketing is why it keeps going there #filmin140 -9:46 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd It seems that most docs are on a mission to correct a social injustice how do we find films that want to keep injustice… #filmin140 -9:46 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 RT FilmThreat: Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. Really get folks thinking. #filmin140 -9:46 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Emergencegrrl but also agree it is important to reach beyond that core – I feel all social issue doc filmmakers want that #filmin140 -9:46 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh Well, depends on how the opposing messages are being delivered… #filmin140 -9:47 PM Nov 10th, 2010
jeannevb did someone say shots? *sneaks out the bottle* RT shericandler: atlfilm365 I think doing shots would be more fun! I’ll go first #filmin140 -9:47 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms RT timhorsburgh: Though, as recent politics show, putting things into polar opposition makes all of us dumber. And poorer. #filmin140 -9:47 PM Nov 10th, 2010
sablikatriumph RT vgbnd: My film #MACHETERO is not a doc but it is a film about the social issue of colonialism in Puerto Rico. Choir not included… #filmin140 -9:47 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler vgbnd so YOU want to keep some injustices going?? #filmin140 -9:47 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd Can anyone come up with an opposing doc situation? Global Warming vs. Global Cooling? 🙂 #filmin140 -9:47 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Jon_Reiss You betcha, which leaves films stuck in genre festival circuit in a pickle. #filmin140 -9:47 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT Jon_Reiss Emergencegrrl but also agree is important 2 reach Byond that core-I feel all social issue doc filmmakers want that #filmin140 -9:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler vgbnd global warming vs do nothing it is totally natural #filmin140 -9:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 timhorsburgh I think your phrasing is apt. The question is how do you create conversations? #filmin140 -9:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat vgbnd There’s always two sides… or three… or four… #filmin140 -9:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh vgbnd Look at COOL IT vs INCONVENIENT TRUTH #filmin140 -9:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz Call to action! What topic for these opposing view doc shorts? #filmin140 -9:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd shericandler NO i don’t want to keep social injustices going i just mean that opposing docs might be difficult to pull off… #filmin140 -9:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh The beauty of documentary is that, because it deals with reality, no one film will ever be the last word on a subject #filmin140 -9:49 PM Nov 10th, 2010
joda07 Wld u be able to find enough shorts w. opposing views to make a festival though? #filmin140 -9:49 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms Chuklz GOOD v. BAD. #filmin140 -9:49 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss atlfilm365 create conversations with events: IOUSA followed by panel with warren buffet (ug panel – but its a start) #filmin140 -9:49 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd FilmThreat But only one side is correct… #filmin140 -9:49 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl vgbnd Are you suggesting that all social doc filmmakers are bleeding liberals?! #filmin140 -9:49 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Think MSNBC & FoxNews would be ideal programers for said doc fest. At least a start… #filmin140 -9:49 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Perhaps screening events with tweet chats after – with live disc with filmmakers interacting with the chat on stage? #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Chuklz I think fest programmers get opposing viewpoint films all the time. Just many aren’t that good, or fest has own agenda #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd This is what i’m asking… RT joda07: Wld u be able to find enough shorts w. opposing views to make a festival though? #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat elizabethkarr I would not attend that doc fest. #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Live event screenings of docs followed by debates. #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth Emergencegrrl I have a doc that is about healthcare and is being embraced by the bible belt. Who’d have thunk it #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
seriouslymc would be interesting RT elizabethkarr: Think MSNBC & FoxNews would be ideal programers for said doc fest. At least a start… #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
lorrainejames RT Jon_Reiss: U have 2 try 2 keep getting Ur message out & little by little U find people who R not Ur choir who Ur speaking 2 #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh atlfilm365 Re: conversations. EXACTLY. A documentary screening without a conversation without is an unfinished experience #filmin140 -9:50 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Extend the documentary out into other media – websites etc that continue the discussion. See what BAVC is doing with docs #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat joda07 I don’t see an entire festival about opposing films so much as a single program within a festival. Like shorts blocks now #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Documentaries are the original social media: they should never be consumed alone. #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss See what BAVC is doing with docs and transmedia – pretty awesome – got to get out of trad modes of film #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd Emergencegrrl No all doc makers aren’t social liberals but righting wrongs is the only opposing doc situation i can think of… #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
TheHutchReport The medium lacks rigor when it comes to covering complex, wonkish issues. Often visceral and manipulative instead of accurate. #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat RT timhorsburgh: Documentaries are the original social media: they should never be consumed alone. #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel RT timhorsburgh: Documentaries are the original social media: they should never be consumed alone. #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Jon_Reiss Links! #filmin140 -9:51 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Need to develop and use forms that allow for interaction – the feature doc can still be the heart – but creative and expand. #filmin140 -9:52 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 RT Jon_Reiss: Live event screenings of docs followed by debates. #filmin140 -9:52 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets vgbnd yes!! more injustice for all!!!!! #deathumentary #filmin140 -9:52 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope RT Filmin140Panel: RT timhorsburgh: Documentaries are the original social media: they should never be consumed alone. #filmin140 -9:52 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh Did you come up with that now, or have you been holding on to it for a while 😉 #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler I can think of tons of economic crisis docs with different pts of view #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz http://www.bavc.org/ #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss http://www.iousathemovie.com/ #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Bringing up debates makes me sad. Joking aside, my films try to find common ground and wouldn’t fit in such a program. #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd My film #MACHETERO is not a doc but it sure get people debating heatedly when we screen it. And that to me is a success… #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Jon_Reiss I think some filmmakers should think smaller with their docs to build in Debates and Q&As. #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie FilmThreat You don’t think it would be interesting to have Right & Left folks in same room discussing issue? I’d pay 2 C that. #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jackintosh35 RT FilmThreat: Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. Really get folks thinking. #filmin140 -9:53 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Hah! A bit of both RT FilmThreat: timhorsburgh Did you come up with that now, or have you been holding on to it for a while 😉 #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl I’m tired of people yelling at each other and not hearing anything. #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Jon_Reiss It’s hard to build a great evening if you’re pushing a 120 min film. 50 to 90 minutes gives you space. #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets RT timhorsburgh Beauty of documentary is that, because it deals with reality, no one film will ever be last word on a subject #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Maybe program could include a conversation about where both sides have something in common. #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT timhorsburgh Beauty of documentary is that, because it deals with reality, no one film will ever be last word on a subject #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ruminski Reading #filmin140 tweets proves that 99% of would-be filmmakers make up for a lack of talent with a massive sense of entitlement -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh I thought of it when one of our older filmmakers asked me “what is all this social media talk? Is that’s what we’ve always done?” #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd i’m still waiting for someone to give me an example of an opposing doc screening… i think it would be hard to do… #filmin140 -9:54 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms What? RT Emergencegrrl: Im tired of people yelling at each other and not hearing anything. #filmin140 -9:55 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss It starts here: Producers Institute for New Media Technologies – (BAVC) http://bit.ly/dkuS37 #filmin140 -9:55 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh *isn’t #filmin140 -9:55 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler are all discussions right vs left? can’t they be little guy v big guy, one custom vs another custom? #filmin140 -9:55 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Emergencegrrl Listening to you makes me want to see your docs. Send links. 🙂 #filmin140 -9:55 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz atlfilm365 Wouldnt building Q&A and debates in mean the doc is unfinished on its own merits? #filmin140 -9:56 PM Nov 10th, 2010
joda07 shericandler And there’s always the moral right/wrong, etc too #filmin140 -9:56 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT Jon_Reiss: It starts here: Producers Institute for New Media Technologies – (BAVC) http://bit.ly/dkuS37 #filmin140 -9:56 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope opposing doc screening requires a bit of research. Can be done tho #filmin140 -9:56 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie RT voices_of_hope: opposing doc screening requires a bit of research. Can be done tho #filmin140 -9:57 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat Chuklz No. They should start conversations, not end them. #filmin140 -9:57 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd corrietweets You don’t have to wish for more injustice 🙂 Injustice is on time like a Mussolini train… 🙂 #filmin140 -9:57 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl elizabethkarr Thank you. You can see more about them here http://bit.ly/aRDae7 #filmin140 -9:57 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Chuklz No. Because no matter how long the film, most audiences are going to bring new perspectives, new questions. #filmin140 -9:57 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth shericandler “9000 Needles’ is about Eastern & Western medicines. Plenty of equally heated debates follow it’s screenings #filmin140 -9:57 PM Nov 10th, 2010
worthwhilefilms Chuklz Who hasn’t wanted to add discussions from premiere showing back into the piece? #filmin140 -9:57 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler Religulous/Jesus Camp vs anything backed by Mormon or Catholic church #filmin140 -9:58 PM Nov 10th, 2010
lavenderpanda RT FilmThreat: YES! RT Emergencegrrl: The Cove was a damned good social issue doc that read like an action/adventure. #filmin140 -9:58 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss ! RT vgbnd: corrietweets You dont have to wish for more injustice 🙂 Injustice is on time like a Mussolini train… 🙂 #filmin140 -9:58 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss create new assets from this Chuklz Who hasnt wanted to add discussions from premiere showing back into the piece? #filmin140 -9:59 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr shericandler agreed that opposing points of view not limited to only right & left. Think religion, social mores, customs #filmin140 -9:59 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope RT vgbnd: corrietweets You dont have to wish for more injustice 🙂 Injustice is on time like a Mussolini train… 🙂 #filmin140 -9:59 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT ddearth: 9000 Needles is about Eastern & Western medicines. Plenty of equally heated debates follow its screenings #filmin140 -9:59 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Chuklz Why not take advantage of that to create a continued conversation. Or to prompt action. #filmin140 -9:59 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth Emergencegrrl That’s why it was so absurdly enjoyable! #filmin140 -10:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh A late rephrasing of the debate Q? Are social issue docmakers lesser artists because they are also trying to make change? Or… #filmin140 -10:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel That’s the hour! You can keep talking, but I want to thank timhorsburgh, Emergencegrrl and Jon_Reiss for joining us tonight. #filmin140 -10:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
joda07 Also thought the whole point of lots of shorts is NOT to have a viewpoint, and merely get audience to question #filmin140 -10:00 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd My film #MACHETERO is about the Puerto Rican independence movement using violence to get free. Lots to debate after screenings. #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
joda07 Or rather — challenge viewpoints by exploring them – not necessarily taking a particular stand/POV though. #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss It was a blast – thank you guys for putting this together! #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Thanks for including me! This has been inspiring! #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh …is their job harder because they have to create for the double bottom line of social impact and quality? #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth Filmin140Panel Thank you panel. #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat joda07 The point of short films is as varied as the people making them. #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz Thanks everyone for the fantastic value per minute! #filmin140 -10:01 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr ddearth Is 9000 Needles doc your doc? Wld love to see. My accupuncurist is also Western MD. #filmin140 -10:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler joda07 I think that is best, would be good to go from one extreme to another with some middle too #filmin140 -10:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
voices_of_hope That was fun. My first time. Already looking forward to your next one… #filmin140 -10:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
joda07 FilmThreat Yes, but if purpose is to get audience to think, than a film can’t preach. Must explore and make audience question. #filmin140 -10:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
rfamovie Terrific discussion. Fast & not too furious. #filmin140 -10:02 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth please vote for the Gotham Genius Awards 2 great docs in the running (9000 Needles is mine) http://gothamawards.slated.com/#list #filmin140 -10:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh Quite a buzz. Not ready to quit, clearly. Thanks all. #filmin140 -10:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd joda07 i agree getting a audience to think is what creates the dialogue and with dialogue comes debate… #filmin140 -10:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat joda07 I’m not saying I disagree, but I am saying that the short films you think shouldn’t happen, exist. #filmin140 -10:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler timhorsburgh yes, they have a double hard job to balance quality and actionable change #filmin140 -10:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth elizabethkarr contact me at dearth.doug@gmail.com and I’ll send you a screener #filmin140 -10:03 PM Nov 10th, 2010
crewsreviews RT FilmThreat: Opposing view point short films would be a wonderful program at any film festival. Really get folks thinking. #filmin140 -10:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Emergencegrrl Signing off for the night! Looking forward to the next one. #filmin140 -10:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Chuklz atlfilm365 Jon_Reiss worthwhilefilms Someday… soon 🙂 #filmin140 -10:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat shericandler timhorsburgh But does that mean they should be given more of a pass, since the job is harder? #filmin140 -10:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Videographymag RT FilmThreat: RT timhorsburgh: Documentaries are the original social media: they should never be consumed alone. #filmin140 -10:04 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 timhorsburgh Unfortunately, I think too many filmmakers rely on the topic and goal to make up for a lack of quality control. #filmin140 -10:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Filmin140Panel Transcript of tonight’s chat will be on FilmThreat.com tomorrow, btw. #filmin140 -10:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler FilmThreat NO! there is no pass in entertainment factor. It has to entertain to some degree or the mind closes. Well maybe mine #filmin140 -10:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth timhorsburgh: Documentaries are the original social media: they should never be consumed alone. #filmin140 -10:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh FilmThreat Who’s giving them the pass? It won’t be funders. It won’t be distributors. And it’s not viewers. #filmin140 -10:05 PM Nov 10th, 2010
TheyMakeFilms It starts here: Producers Institute for New Media Technologies – (BAVC) #filmin140 http://bit.ly/9svHSt -10:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth shericandler agree. why else would you want to see it. #filmin140 -10:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Filmin140Panel TY! Got so much out of discussion.My familiarity w/ docs is as audience member. But have 1 I’m thinkiing about… #filmin140 -10:06 PM Nov 10th, 2010
FilmThreat timhorsburgh If we’re not giving a pass, or extra consideration, then why does it matter if the job is harder? #filmin140 -10:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler I still like my doc told from facts and balanced pov though. At least a stab at balanced #filmin140 -10:07 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth Thanks for inviting me to the discussion Sheri..Good night all #filmin140 -10:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
atlfilm365 Thanks timhorsburgh, Emergencegrrl and Jon_Reiss! #filmin140 -10:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler ddearth absolutely Doug! #filmin140 -10:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr ddearth Will do. Can’t wait to see. Big believer that accupuncture is key to wellness. So am I the choir? 🙂 #filmin140 -10:08 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler RT atlfilm365: Thanks timhorsburgh, Emergencegrrl and Jon_Reiss! #filmin140 -10:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd FilmThreat i don’t think the job is harder… So no need for a pass or extra consideration… #filmin140 -10:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
ddearth elizabethkarr There’s plenty of room. Its a community choir! #filmin140 -10:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler elizabethkarr ddearth always good to find more choir members #filmin140 -10:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
corrietweets shericandler “I still like my doc told from facts and balanced pov though. At least a stab at balanced #filmin140” Hear hear!! -10:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr RT ddearth: please vote for the Gotham Genius Awards 2 great docs in the running (9000 Needles is mine) http://gothamawards.slated.com/#list #filmin140 -10:09 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd i want a bigger choir so i’m looking outside the one i’ve got… i need a big choir to make a bigger impact… #filmin140 -10:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
Jon_Reiss Thanks for inviting me!! RT shericandler: RT atlfilm365: Thanks timhorsburgh, Emergencegrrl and Jon_Reiss! #filmin140 -10:12 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler for sure, use ur choir to make it bigger RT vgbnd: i want a bigger choir… i need a big choir to make a bigger impact… #filmin140 -10:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd RT ddearth: vote Gotham Genius Awards 2 great docs in the running (9000 Needles is mine) http://gothamawards.slated.com/#list #filmin140 -10:13 PM Nov 10th, 2010
vgbnd It was fun… glad to be a part of it… 🙂 #filmin140 -10:15 PM Nov 10th, 2010
shericandler great time guys, thanks RT Filmin140Panel: Transcript of tonights chat will be on FilmThreat.com tomorrow, btw. #filmin140 -10:16 PM Nov 10th, 2010
elizabethkarr Sing with you all anytime. 🙂 RT shericandler elizabethkarr ddearth always good to find more choir members #filmin140 -10:17 PM Nov 10th, 2010
gregorybayne shericandler Filmin140Panel Thanks for putting these on, though I don’t think I really understood tonights discussion. #filmin140 -10:18 PM Nov 10th, 2010
docsinprogress RT Jon_Reiss: The challenge of reaching a wider audience is a problem for all indep films if not all films. But you need to start with ur core #filmin140 -10:21 PM Nov 10th, 2010
pattyfantasia RT shericandler: great time guys, thanks RT Filmin140Panel: Transcript of tonights chat will be on FilmThreat.com tomorrow, btw. #filmin140 -10:44 PM Nov 10th, 2010
theodorefisher Met a lot of great documentary-focused folks in the #filmin140 discussion, so thanks shericandler and everyone who played host. -10:48 PM Nov 10th, 2010
timhorsburgh I had to run out unexpectedly and missed all the high fives! Thanks again everyone and especially FilmThreat for the invite. #filmin140 -10:52 PM Nov 10th, 2010
marisamillerw RT Jon_Reiss: I think good filmmakers have a strong point of view – that is what makes a good film stand out – in any genre #filmin140 -11:27 PM Nov 10th, 2010
BundyFilms RT Jon_Reiss: The challenge of reaching a wider audience is a problem for all indep films if not all films. But you need to start with ur core #filmin140 -12:35 AM Nov 11th, 2010
RollingCredit RT FilmThreat: RT timhorsburgh: Documentaries are “Weapons of mass construction” and “most powerful medium ever” – http://bit.ly/8ZDhmA #filmin140 -1:22 AM Nov 11th, 2010
WinFilmSoc Showing this season RT Emergencegrrl: The Cove was a damned good social issue doc that read like an action/adventure. #filmin140 -1:35 AM Nov 11th, 2010
amitvirmani RT Jon_Reiss: RT timhorsburgh: Documentaries are the original social media: they should never be consumed alone. #filmin140 -1:46 AM Nov 11th, 2010
riskexcellence RT ddearth: please vote for the Gotham Genius Awards 2 great docs in the running (9000 Needles is mine) http://gothamawards.slated.com/#list #filmin140 -10:51 AM Nov 11th, 2010