Jeff (Ben Weber) and Mary (Rebekah Louise Smith) are expecting a baby. Jeff already has a kid he has to get rid of first, though. That would be Dixie, his 1985 Mazda RX-7. Why does he have to get rid of it? The car has no backseat, which is one of the essentials with a child. Now Jeff has the car up for sale and is finding that placing it in the right home isn’t going to be easy.
“Fast Cars and Babies” paints a good picture of what makes parting with a prized possession so difficult. It highlights the comedic elements of such an endeavor, and realizes that those laughs underscore the tragic fact that sometimes you have to set free the one you love. It’s called making a sacrifice, and you’re supposed to be a better person for it.
This movie has a happy ending. It doesn’t end in a hospital with a child being born, however. It ends at the sidewalk with an old blind woman and one of the toughest decisions of Jeff’s life: To sell or not to sell — the “cosmic” question.
You don’t need a Hollywood blockbuster about the fate of the planet to teach moviegoers a simple life lesson. Sometimes all it takes is a little red sports car and a “For Sale” sign to hammer the message home.