Ever want to see a movie about dentistry, but you’re not into Steve Martin or bloodshed? Then let Stuart Farber, DDS, animated dentist extraordinaire, describe one of his oddest experiences in “Farber’s Nerve”.
First off, this movie is three minutes long. Describing the plot is a guarantee of spoilers, so I’m just going to let it suffice that Doc Farber is going to tell you about a very odd experience with a very nervous patient.
Granted, the animation is crude. It’s mostly a moving mouth grafted onto a stationary body with some bits and pieces thrown in. But, at the same time, it’s important to note that there are not many animated short films about dentistry out there, so it definitely gets some bonus points for innovation.
Especially using an actual dentist for both voice actor and source material. All in all, it’s three minutes long. What were you expecting from three minutes of footage? What is here is good–ultimately, I can believe that this story may have happened even though I can’t definitively prove that it did happen–but there’s just not that much here to be all that good.