Cheerfully daft little comedy about a thief who chooses the wrong old woman to take hostage is a lot of fun, powered by funny dialogue, well-drawn characters, and a catchy Cajun score.
‘Big Blade’ (Jensen) is a none too bright thief from Texas, on the run from the police in a car he has stolen from a Jehovah’s Witness. He crosses into Louisiana and invades the home of Doris (Grieg) an elderly chicken farmer who is not the least bit intimidated by threats of violence. Her card-playing neighbors get involved when the notice a strange car in her yard, and after a debate over the make and model, decide to call the police.
Director Sevigny has obviously spent some time in the company of people like Doris and her friends, and the results are very funny. Nothing affects these country folk, who seem to take everything as a matter of course, even a knife-wielding intruder. I’m sure Sevigny has a bright future ahead of him, and I’d like to see these characters again.