If you’re looking for something different and fun to do this fall, look no further than the Angel City Drive In. Morgan Higby Night and Heather “Pnut” Williamson of the Santa Monica based production company Devil’s Night have started up a Drive In Movie Event in the heart of Downtown Los Angeles. Next door to the famed Alexandria Hotel, where Charlie Chaplin once lived and filmed, a new piece of Los Angeles Film History is being forged… in the Parking Lot. Twice a month, the unassuming lot becomes the Angel City Drive In Movie Theater. Don’t miss our special, Downtown Appreciation Night (Free for everyone), or Family Night with kid friendly movies.
Amenities include:
• Food provided by Hot Dog On A Stick
• Walk in/Bike ins Welcome
• Astroturf for your seating pleasure!
• DJ Morgan plays swell tunes before and after the feature
• Huge 24ft Screen
• FM Transmitter puts the sound into your car!
• Car Hops bring the food & popcorn to you!
• Reserve Car Spaces in Advance
• $30 per car load so Pack ‘Em In the trunk if you have to
• $10 per walk/bike in
• $7 for Alexandria residents
Upcoming Showings:
November 9th
Cohen Brothers Classic: “The Big Lebowski”
November 24th
David Lynch’s “Blue Velvet”
“Trading Places”
December 15th FAMILY NIGHT
“A Christmas Story”
GATES: 6:30PM, SHOW: 8:00PM
For more information or to become a SPONSOR: http://www.angelcitydrivein.com