The first ever DIY film/zine tour? This April Andrew Dickson and Al Burian will be hitting the road with the feature film “Good Grief” and the book “Burn Collector” for a month and a half long tour. ^ They’ll be armed with a video projector, screen, and sound system; the event is not limited to theaters. The tour venues will run the gamut from film festivals and college shows, to independent theaters and rock clubs, even record stores and bookstores. Al will be reading from his recently published book of the first 9 Burn Collector zines, while Andrew will be showing his first feature film “Good Grief.” ^ In addition to copies of “Good Grief” on VHS, “Good Grief” t-shirts, the “Burn Collector” book and issues 10 and 11, for sale will be a multitude of zines about filmmaking and independent media. These events may serve as a forum for examining the idea of independent media, even inspiring and connecting artists who are infiltrating and subverting the corporate media landscape. If not, it will at least be a good time.
Here are the tour dates for April: ^ April 2nd- Brycc house in Louisville, KY (www.brycchouse.org) ^ April 3rd- Asheville, NC ^ April 4th- Kings in Raleigh, NC (http://www.kingsbarcade.com) ^ April 5th- ^ April 6th- Greensboro, NC ^ April 7th- Charlottesville, VA ^ April 8th- Williamsport, PA or Washington, DC ^ April 9th- Sound and Fury Record Store in New York City ^ April 10th- ^ April 11th- The Skinny in Portland, Maine ^ April 12th- Amherst College ^ April 13th- Coolidge Corner Theater in Boston (http://www.coolidge.org) ^ April 14th- Lost Film Festival in Philadelphia (http://www.lostfilmfest.com) ^ April 15th- Johns Hopkins Film Festival in Baltimore, MD at H. Lewis Gallery ^ April 16th- Pittsburgh, PA ^ April 17th- Toronto ^ April 18th- Ann Arbor, Michigan
Go to official Good Grief web site for more info about the film and tour. Get more info on the official site for the Burn Collector book.
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