Not long after this film school thesis begins, a car goes plummeting over the edge of a mountain, crashing before a couple of onlookers who don’t look extremely shocked about what’s just happened. In fact, it’s like they’ve seen this all before…too many times. But as far as the audience goes, your attention is captured. After all, this is a film school student running a car off the side of a mountain, gorgeously shot in glorious detail so that there’s no question about whether this is some trick shot or not. No trick shot here, but one thing’s for certain – these filmmakers are crazy motherfuckers and you’re most certainly in for quite a ride.
Brothers Rudolf and Anton live in a shack at the base of a rocky mountain, above them is a mountain road with a hairy curve that many motorists don’t see and thus find themselves catching some air as they drive off the edge of the mountain, landing in Rudolf and Anton’s backyard. Used to their unsuspecting visitors just dropping in on them, Anton has taken interest in burying the dead and performing a sermon for them. Rudolf on the other hand, is interested solely in the cars, so that he can repair and sell them to support he and his brother’s outcast lifestyle. Concerned more for the well being of the motorists rather than the money, Anton writes letter after letter to the Secretary of Traffic, asking him to do something about this curve in the road that would prevent further deaths. But his requests fall upon deaf ears…that is until the Secretary of Traffic himself comes flying over the edge of that mountain.
“Die Kurve” does slow down a bit after that initial car crash, but still retains a quirky entertaining quality throughout. Also, this is one of the best produced student films I’ve ever seen. It’s cleverly written, the cinematography is top-notch and the performances from the actors are totally professional. If all student films turned out like this, I would’ve stayed in film school.