Noah and his ark are certainly making an impression in modern film. In fact, it seems there is so much Noah business going on that I am surprised Michael Bay isn’t getting on this train, with his 360 degree camera angles and slow motion Ben Affleck. Affleck would make a great Noah. Probably. Maybe. Not.
Evan Almighty, the up-coming sequel to Bruce Almighty because the world clearly needed that, seems to now have some competition brewing. Actually, no it doesn’t. According to The Guardian, Aronofsky has planned on making a film about Noah and his crazy arc for some time. In fact, he even wrote another draft of it when The Fountain fell apart after Brad Pitt left.
Aronofsky says, “Noah was the first person to plant vineyards and drink wine and get drunk. It’s there in the Bible – it was one of the first things he did when he reached land. There was some real survivor’s guilt going on there. He’s a dark, complicated character.”
Noah the Drunk. That sounds like the name of an album by some hip indie rock band. While the excitement for Evan Almighty is non-existent in my world (no matter how funny Steve Carell is elsewhere), I can say I may indeed have some hopes for Aronofsky’s film. He is easily one of my favorite directors and so far, has done no wrong in my world.
good call, Pete.
Armageddon really is one of my favorite movies….perhaps a blog is needed to explain myself
Be sure to supplement it with x-rays of your prefrontal lobotomy.
P.S. The RSS feed on the comments for this post isn’t working either.
If you like you can check out my blog(s). While there not as professional as yours I occasionally hit the nail on the head. You might be amused with tomorrow’s update.
I started blogging on Xanga but recently started cross-posting on Live Journal. The links are http://www.xanga.com/ProfessorTom and http://schpydurx.livejournal.com
Thanks Tom, you have no idea how it feels to actually have a fan or two. Like, when you write something, it may actually mean a thing or two to somebody. That’s the best feeling in the world.
Don – Michael Bay blog needed now. Thanks.
As for the Digg thing merging with the comment tab… I have no idea why that is happening. I tried fixing it in the admin but nothing happens. Mark, you got that?
Any time. I plan on being a regular for a while. I really like your writing.
Michael Bay had a good run with “The Rock,” “Bad Boys” and Pete’s fave…ARMAGEDDON! Armageddon really is one of my favorite movies….perhaps a blog is needed to explain myself…
I actually don’t know how to fix that. About “arc,” that’s what happens when you write a blog in 46 seconds. My comments about Affleck and Bay were made in a sarcastic fashion.
Thanks for the comments sir.
First of all, an arc is something that a rainbow does whereas an ark is a big boat.
Secondly, Michael Bay has yet to direct a movie worth watching. We’ll see when Transformers comes out if I need to correct myself. Ben Affleck is no celebrity to speak of either.
Is it just me, or does Aronofsky like to film subjects with religious undertones, namely Judeo-Christian? It would be funny to see Brad Pitt in the role of Noah. Talk about a belly laugh.
Aronofsky has done no wrong as of yet. I love his work and think that he will have more success then Sam Mendes who should have walked away from the industry after he made Road to Perdition. I mean after two perfect films right out the gate and back to back…
Noah the Drunk sounds like it could be another dark movie from the Dark Genius. See you in the theater.
P.S. I sent in a few emails today complaining that the “Comments” link doesn’t work on this post but rather links to Digg. However, clicking on the title allowed me to comment. Futhermore, all your little bookmark icons are missing on this post. If possible, you may edit out this P.S. upon fix.