What the hell just happened? That was my initial reaction to the conclusion of Douglas Buck’s bizarre and unsettling stab and suburban bliss. Cutting Moments brings the viewer into a nightmare of insanity and mutilation as a married couple come apart at the seams.
From what we gather, something is definitely wrong in this household. 27 minutes and there’s barely five lines of dialogue. There’s a reference to some board coming to take away the couple’s son and the husband is completely mute through out. As he sits watching a baseball game on TV he ignores her attempts at seducing him. She leaves, goes into the bathroom and begins mutilating, then cutting off her lips. Segue into the couple naked on their bed, with the husband chopping at his wife’s breasts then his genitals with pruning shears and you’ve got my initial reaction.
As we all know the myth that all is happiness and sunshine in suburbia has been dead for a long, long time. With angry wives chopping off their husband’s dicks on the news and so-called affluent kids shooting up their schools, there’s little to take away from this film other than a “ho-hum, oh yeah.” What does work is the gory execution, that’s not something you’ll see on the 11 o’clock news.