In anticipation of its tenth anniversary in June, the CineVegas Film Festival has teamed up with Cinefamily, which runs the Silent Movie Theatre in Los Angeles, for “CineVegas: 10 Years on the Edge,” it was announced today by Trevor Groth, artistic director of the CineVegas Film Festival. The series, to be held every Friday evening in April, will feature ten hidden gems from throughout the Festival’s decade-long history, epitomizing the brazen and daring spirit of CineVegas.
“CineVegas is proud of be celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, and what better way to kick off the celebration than to share some of the best films we’ve shown over the years,” said Artistic Director Trevor Groth. “This series will allow filmgoers the rare chance to see some of the films they may have missed at the Festival, or favorites that they’d like to enjoy all over again.”
The series will kick off on Friday, April 4 with two back-to-back screenings of THE LAST MOVIE, the 1971 film written and directed by chair of the CineVegas Creative Advisory Board, Dennis Hopper. THE LAST MOVIE made its first CineVegas appearance in 2003, the same year Hopper was honored with the Festival’s Marquee Award. The film follows the process of moviemaking and its effect on the natives of a remote and primitive village in Peru, where it is being shot. CineVegas will present a re-mastered 35mm print of the rarely seen film.
Other films to be included in the series are: THE LIVING WAKE, starring Jesse Eisenberg and Mike O’Connell in a dark comedy from the camera of Sol Tryon; TRONA, David Fenster’s film about a man finding himself in a town in the middle of the desert; THE NEST, James Fotopoulos’ disturbing film about a couple in a preternatural suburbia; Robert Logevall’s film ALL GOD’S CHILDREN CAN DANCE based on the Haruki Murakami short story of the same name; Don Coscarelli’s horror comedy BUBBA HO-TEP, starring Bruce Campbell and Ossie Davis; Giuseppe Andrews’ lo-fi trailer park film GARBANZO GAS; LOREN CASS, a gritty adolescent drama by Chris Fuller; BAD HABITS (MALOS HÁBITOS) a cinematic examination of family, faith and religion, marking the feature directing debut of commercial director Simón Bross; and RADIANT, Steve Mahone’s medical sci-fi thriller.
The Silent Movie Theatre is located at 611 N. Fairfax Avenue in Los Angeles. For tickets and additional information, please contact the Silent Movie Theatre at (323) 655-2510 or www.silentmovietheatre.com, or CineVegas at (702) 992-7979 or www.cinevegas.com.