This 1988 Mercury Tracer has only 50,000 miles on it and if that’s not enough, it has a painting of Howard Stern’s own wack pack regular Beetlejuice on the hood. The li’l dwarf recently had a part in Bubble Boy and the timing for his cameo role could not be better. B’Juice is using his newfound fame to help sell his car. The current bid stands at just over $10,000. So, it’s not just a mode of transportation — it’s the ultimate Howard Stern collectible! Just read from the description on the eBay site: ^ For all the infamous Beetlejuice fans throughout the world, now is the time to take advantage of the most unique opportunity ever offered. It’s time for Beet to get a new car and somebody will become lucky enough to own the collectible, “The BeetleMobile” . As Beet becomes more notorious, more gigs are planned each week. Beet is not greedy at all. He would just like a more comfortable car to suit his needs while on the road for days at a time. He doesn’t want a Bentley or a Rolls Royce, just a nice minivan or SUV where he can hang out in the back, watch a little TV, and go to sleep. The artwork on this car is the coolest you’ll ever see (cost us $3,000). The two and a half year history behind it is filled with some of the funniest stories ever heard. If tinted windows could talk! The list includes a DWI, Multiple towings, close to a hundred parking tickets, thousands of Newport cigarettes smoked by Beetlejuice, and many nights of Drunken Jamie drinking cases of beer in the back seat. The energy inside this vehicle is mesmerizing. Similar to an ancient King’s throne. This car has been seen on the HOWARD STERN RADIO SHOW while we were trying to drive it in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. “Parade officials” spotted us and didn’t like the idea too much, and we got tossed. The hood of this car features an amazing mural of Beetlejuice smoking a cigar in his Superman outfit.
Only seriously interested parties should bid on this car.
Get in on the auction to buy Beetlejuice’s car and check out his web site Jolly Dwarf.
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