Between Two Thieves is a short tale of the demise of a relationship for a young couple. After a violent incident brings to a head the problems within the couple, the woman (Maggie Miklus) must decide whether she wants to continue going down the road her disturbed man (Asher Millhollin) is leading her along.
The short utilizes a nice mix of color and black-and-white to illustrate not only dramatic moments and aftermath, but also memories. The effect, particularly when color splashes are found within black-and-white environments, gives a visual element that elevates the tale beyond the basic story at its core.
Between Two Thieves is competent enough, and there weren’t any overt problems with it, save that you’re pretty sure how this is all going to end up. In the end it comes down to how you respond to it emotionally as an audience, because technically the film is sound. Personally, I found it to be fine, but not especially memorable.
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