More photo evidence of the striking similarities between “Nadia” and Disney’s Atlantis. Scroll down to see all the pics and follow this link to see more of “ATLANTIS” EXPOSED!>>> ^ See more photograpic evidence: ^ “ATLANTIS” EXPOSED! ^ “ATLANTIS” EXPOSED II ^ “ATLANTIS” EXPOSED III ^ “ATLANTIS” EXPOSED IV ^ “ATLANTIS” EXPOSED V
DISCUSS IT IN OUR HATE MAIL SECTION ^ Did the Disney animators who worked on Atlantis simply steal their ideas from “Nadia,” or is this just a strange coincidence? Do great minds think alike, resulting in similar projects, or is this a case of a crass company taking advantage of the little guy and hoping no one would notice? And how does this kind of thing even happen? (Perhaps some bold Disney animator can help us shed light on this issue?) Is Disney guilty of stealing their ideas from “Nadia” to use for Atlantis or not. And if they are innocent, how could they even prove it? After reading the story and looking at the evidence, what do you think? ^ Go to our HATE MAIL SECTION and sound off!
THERE’S EVEN MORE TO THIS STORY ^ This information was originally presented on the anime fan site in a piece by M. Hayden called Nadia VS. Atlantis. (NOTE: Much of the site is in Japanese and may be unreadable on some computers, but it is well worth seeing. Go there now! Special thanks to M. Hayden for his amazing work in compiling these amazing facts.)
There’s also another site with even more analysis worth checking out at this link: Nadia VS. Atlantis II.
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