It’s pretty clear here that someone’s been watching Shinya Tsukamoto films (“Tetsuo” to be exact) as it shows through in the sped up film, choppy edits and industrial clanging that sounds like Emmett Otter’s Jug Band on a bender. Not that this is a completely bad thing, the film shows its influences, but has legs of its own to stand on, skinny Bambi legs.
“A Boy and His Fetus”, or how I like to call it – “Boo Radley and the Funky Bunch”, illustrates a lonely man-child’s mental breakdown as he makes up imaginary little friends, a pre-teen angel and her drug addict grandmother, impregnates his mother, kills the doctor who tries to abort the child and then finds peace in the living fetus. Mind you that all of this man-child’s narration is backwards, as are the opening titles and end credits, thus calling for subtitles. A nice little touch, but it also makes it sound like the filmmaker realized that this piece wasn’t unique enough and the whole backwards thing was going to set it apart from any other film out there featuring Francis Bacon inspired imagery. In a way it does… but I can see through a gimmick and perhaps you could too.