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By Michael Ferraro | January 22, 2006

I have been here for about 30 hours now and in that time, I have seen 7 films so far. Of those, my favorite was Awesome; I Fuckin’ Shot That!” which is a Beastie Boys concert film. It’s not boring like other concert films though, as it was shot on really crappy hi-8 camcorders by fans.

On top of that, I also caught a Battle In Heaven (which was okay but could have been so much better), Eve and the Fire Horse (another okay film but this time, Roger Ebert sat a few rows behind me at the screening).

Those wondering about my stance concerning Brokeback Bedroom, well, I am not quite sure what to say about it. I sleep on the top bunk, Vonder Haar took the bottom, and Don has a bed all to himself.

The only time I guess it could get creepy is if I woke up and one these guys was sharing the top bunk with me.

That better never happen.

I’m off to write some more reviews, then head out to watch some more films. Until next time…

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  1. Will Goss says:

    Hope you got to catch The Descent. From what I hear, they changed the ending just enough to piss me off.

    Otherwise, you better be having a blast, you lucky SOB.

  2. Pete says:

    Still funny…

  3. Mark Bell says:

    “Those wondering about my stance concerning Brokeback Bedroom, well, I am not quite sure what to say about it. I sleep on the top bunk, Vonder Haar took the bottom, and Don has a bed all to himself.”

    So, what you’re saying is that you pitch while Pete catches, and Don sits in the dugout tugging one out?

    I know, I can’t talk, I seem to have a penchant for videotaping everything…

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