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By Paul Osborne | March 31, 2011

It’s nearly time for the eleventh edition of the Phoenix Film Festival, but after more than a decade of cinematic excellence, this event is still relatively little-known outside the state of Arizona. True, it’s no top-tier market festival like Sundance or SXSW – yet. But as regional fests go, I personally believe you’d be hard-pressed to find one better. There’s a reason I featured them as the example of how a festival should be run in my documentary OFFICIAL REJECTION.

Camerahead, the PFF mascot!

This year I’ll be attending PFF from a very privileged position: that of a returning filmmaker without a new movie. This means parties, drink tickets, endless free flicks and general VIP access without having to do any of that pesky work involved in actually promoting a film. As a movie fan, you’re essentially a kid let loose in a candy store.

While unfortunately I can’t take all of you along with me, let me offer the next best thing: I’ll be blogging from the fest daily, from the opening gala to the closing awards ceremony and all the drunken debauchery in between. So tune in right here for the scoop from PFF ground zero!

Phoenix Film Festival 2011 from Bob Marquis on Vimeo.


Paul Osborne is the director of OFFICIAL REJECTION, the acclaimed documentary about the experiences of independent filmmakers at film festivals. He also wrote and produced the indie feature TEN TIL NOON, and is currently raising funds via Kickstarter for his new film, the suspense drama FAVOR. Follow him at

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