The faces and places of the 2007 Sundance Film Festival are revealed here, for your viewing pleasure. Low on the celebrities but high on the writer face-time, this is the good stuff…

The first evening in town, Team Film Threat found their way to Main Street for the Airborne Party.

Mark posing with Edinburgh Film Festival’s Hannah McGill and Creative Screenwriting Magazine’s Jeff Goldsmith.

Mark and Jamie, enjoying the festivities.

Mark Bell and Jeff Goldsmith, soulmates.

Rookie was feeling left out, so Jamie posed with him.

Mark pontificates on how Sundance is really like an Arby’s Melt during a stop-over at the Kimball Junction Arby’s (a tradition for Mark).

Possibly the only other pic of Mark without the Eagle hat on.

It’s online critic mayhem as Zack, Mark, Rotten Tomatoes’ Jen Yamato and Cinematical’s Scott Weinberg pose for a pic in the Yarrow lobby

The only other night Team Film Threat made it to Main Street together, Zack almost got absorbed by a steam cloud.

No Sundance is complete without a shot of the world famous Egyptian Theater.

MethodFest Party showing the good ambience and great food.

Zack and Jamie again, this time hiding their festival fatigue with out-of-focus smiles.

Team Film Threat (sans Jeremy, Gore and Sally) in the Yarrow.
The final evaluation continues with even more pics from Sundance 2007, this time with everyone’s favorite spikey-haired maniac Chris Gore in Part Three of the 2007 Sundance Film Festival Final Evaluation>>>