You, Me & Her, a romantic comedy by director Dan Levy Dagerman and writer Selina Ringel (Dagerman’s wife), is the story of a young couple having a rocky time in their marriage. Ash (Ritesh Rajan) and Mags (Ringel) have been married for 10 years and have just experienced the birth of their first child. Early parenthood is stressful, and they are suffering financial uncertainty as Ash’s burgeoning weed business appears to be dying on the vine. The marriage is stale, and both are at a loss for what to do.
In an effort to heal the rift and rekindle the spark, they travel to Puerto Vallarta to relax in the sun. However, no one is relaxed as they snap at each other the whole time, leading Mags to seek peace by herself on the beach. Enter Angela (Sydney Park), a beautiful, free-spirited yoga instructor who is immediately drawn to Mags. Mags, in turn, surprises herself when she begins to realize that despite always thinking she was purely heterosexual, the attention from Angela ignites a spark different from what she intended for this trip. It turns out Mags may, in fact, be more hetero-flexible than straight.
When he learns about this attraction, Ash, being the standard-issue het-boy that he is, finds it very exciting. His interest in sex is reignited when it becomes clear that he is being invited to at least watch, and he hopes to participate in his first three-way sexual experience. Instead of devolving into a soft-porn sex farce (not that there’s anything wrong with that), You, Me & Her takes us into the real-world complications of potential polyamory. Is this kind of adventure a good idea for a couple who are having trouble connecting? Is it just the sexual desire Mags feels for Angela? What of Angela’s emotions? And what of the baby?

“…Mags may, in fact, be more hetero-flexible than straight.”
The viewer is as surprised as Mags when Angela makes her intentions clear. There is some foreshadowing early on of a “what happens in Mexico stays in Mexico” vibe. A young couple, Manolo (Roberto Aguire) and Faviola (Marianna Burelli), the travelers meet at a bar and turn out to be polyamorous folk out on a romp. Both are married, but not to each other, and nobody seems stressed about this. As things heat up at a strip club, Manolo makes a pass at Ash while Faviola tries to kiss Mags. This scandalizes them both but sets the stage for the sex games that follow.
Dagerman and Ringel walk the line masterfully between titillation and meditation. There’s no reason a film can’t do both, but generally, filmmakers don’t even try to approach sex thoughtfully or with any emotional depth. The beautiful Mexican beach and Latin party music for the trip provides a visual feast, serving as a getaway for the audience as well as the characters.
This is not deeply cerebral cinema by any stretch. But if you’d enjoy a romantic comedy/sex farce with a bit of introspection around how emotionally healthy adults might act when presented with an option for ethical non-monogamy, then You, Me & Her will be worth your time.
For screening information, visit the You, Me & Her official website.

"…worth your time."