Unspeakable: Beyond The Wall Of Sleep Image

Unspeakable: Beyond The Wall Of Sleep

By Michael Talbot-Haynes | July 2, 2024

Ferrin turns the horror hose up to full blast with set pieces that may as well have the word “outrageous” spray painted across them. The sexual content is graphic in a variety of ways, with the prison rape with saber-toothed cocks being the tip of a very frank iceberg. What sets this apart from previous Lovecraft crazies is how faithful this adaptation is to the original text. Having re-read the story prior to viewing, I noticed lots of direct ties and references, including cool phrases like “oceans of space.” And the big pay-off in the end is pure Lovecraft, the kind the old boy would definitely approve of once the sex with demons is gotten past. 

If you haven’t seen Furlong in a while, know that he is still one of the most talented actors in his generation. No matter what the production, Furlong brings his impressive box of tools and gives it his all. This movie is a great example, as he totally plays his reactions here for real when obviously everything is bananas. Just like Gregory Peck in The Omen and The Boys From Brazil, he delivers a high level of serious acting expertise in the midst of some major wackiness. No matter how outlandish things get, Furlong reacts with remarkable authenticity.

“…the big pay-off in the end is pure Lovecraft, the kind the old boy would definitely approve of once the sex with demons is gotten past.”

Ferrin also has stocked his acting army with some of the finest cult movie talent out there. It is always a pleasure to see Railsbeck, especially since he is starting to get remembered as much for Lifeforce as he is for Helter Skelter. Star of the first Crow Bai Ling comes in as Dr. Fenton for a show-stopping performance at the end. She gets to go nuts and does it as only she can: with a vengeance. And then we have the great Ms. Lynn as a completely buyable dotting housewife at home. And Lynn is good, so good it makes you re-evaluate all the underrated talents developed during the 35 mm hardcore era of the 80s.

Unspeakable: Beyond The Wall Of Sleep has the rewired retro thrills to pay the bills. It will reveal to you that beyond the vast gulf beyond comprehension there lies fresh frontiers of sexy surreal madness waiting for hungry members to chew on. Check this s**t out.   

Unspeakable: Beyond The Wall Of Sleep (2024)

Directed and Written: Chad Ferrin

Starring: Edward Furlong, Ginger Lynn, Steve Railsbeck, Bai Ling, Robert Miano, Corey Shane Love, Brandon Kirk, Susan Priver, etc.

Movie score: 8.5/10

Unspeakable: Beyond The Wall Of Sleep Image

"…achieves that same camp sophistication that Gordon's Re-Animator had in spades..."

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