Here’s a first: writer-director Eivind Landsvik’s short film, Tits, is a coming-of-age story centered on the theme of tits.
Oscar (Snorre Kind Monsson) is a portly young teen who is incredibly self-conscious about his body. Iben (Marie Bya) is a boy-crazy girl hoping to impress the studly Jonas. During a late-summer teen beach meet-up, Iben decides to make her move on Jonas, and the two start making out while the others dive into the sea. In fear of missing out, Jonas breaks away from Iben and runs after them. She follows but has no swimsuit. She hesitates, then takes off her top and plunges in.

“…Iben discovers she’s been ditched by her friend, who stole all her clothes.”
Meanwhile, wanting to join in the fun, Oscar dives in. But, ashamed of his appearance, he wears a white t-shirt to cover up his breasts. Caught up in the tranquility of the ocean, Iben discovers she’s been ditched by her friend, who stole all her clothes. The only one left is Oscar, who decides to give her a shirt to wear and walks her home.
Tits is a surprisingly sweet story of the unlikely friendship between two teens who find common ground because of their tits. Iben’s fears hers are too small, and Oscar’s are too big. Our leads, Snorre Kind Monsson and Marie Bya, are simply perfect. Their acting is far from polished, which gives us two very authentic performances that make the short film feel like a documentary.
Landsvik’s Tits explores how teens today (and always) are self-absorbed and how they find unexpected and straightforward ways to connect with each other. This Norwegian adolescent story is timeless and universal, so it should resonate with teenagers from all backgrounds and cultures.

"…timeless and universal..."