WE ARE ONE: A GLOBAL FILM FESTIVAL REVIEW! A relationship is a beautiful thing. It’s getting over it after it ends that sucks. Film actress Florence learns to navigate the trials of letting go in the French short, The Tear’s Thing. Upon confronting a long-lost love, would a person’s dominant emotion be of longing, forgiveness, rage, anger, happiness, or peace?
Florence (India Hair) more or less experiences all of the above when she arrives for a firearms lesson to prepare for an upcoming movie role. At the lesson, Florence is flummoxed when she encounters ex-girlfriend Sacha (Sabine Timoteo), who turns out to be her instructor. Now less interested in shooting guns than she is in grilling Sacha about why she abandoned her all those years ago, Florence loses patience and eventually abandons her session.

“Film actress Florence learns to navigate the trials of letting go…”
A short time later, Sacha rescues Florence from what would be an hours-long walk home and drives her out to the woods to continue the firearms lesson. This time, the lesson has matured to include the use of machine guns and grenades rather than the Glock that Florence was practicing with earlier. The more time that Florence and Sacha spend together during the day, the softer and more familiar their relationship becomes, and the closer Florence gets to something resembling closure.
The Tear’s Thing works best when thought of as egocentric fantasy. “I knew we’d find each other again,” Florence whispers to Sacha after a romantic moment by a campfire. It’s a common thought that has undoubtedly occurred to anyone who has experienced heartbreak at some point in his or her life. What would one say to a former love if he or she suddenly and unexpectedly resurfaced in one’s life? How might one act? Would the words that came out of one’s mouth be the words that one actually wanted to say?

"…a relationship is a beautiful thing. It’s getting over it after it ends that sucks."