The Russian Bride Image

The Russian Bride

By Chuck Foster | May 11, 2018

Like the best exploitation films of forty-five years ago, Ojeda, whether intentionally or unintentionally, taps into relevant social commentary. In this case, it’s the immigrant’s experience in America, a country built on the very concept of open arms as long as you know your place and don’t get ahead of those who inherently deserve it for one reason or another. Nina merely wants to give her daughter the luxury of a little more space to live. She arrives to open arms, but quickly realizes she’s only a commodity to be used and tossed away. Welcome to the USA.

“…sends snowflakes on social media rants and makes religious conservatives hide their erections.…”

Ojeda’s eye keeps the camera fluid with beautiful landscape shots opposing gritty moments of cruelty. As for the performances, Bernsen and Orlan beautifully balance predator and victim, while Pimenova conjures sympathy rather than annoyance. Lisa Goodman shows an excellent amount of restraint in depicting Maria, an obsessed female servant, and Michael Robert Brandon shines as the mute Hungarian Hagan in a brilliant blend of Boris Karloff in Frankenstein and Gnaghi in Cemetery Man. Even those in smaller roles give their all to make perfection.

The Russian Bride isn’t pretty. It won’t make you feel good with carefully reconstructed points of nostalgia. It will, however, make you cheer like a fratboy watching football. Are you looking for a pat on the back or a solidly entertaining dose of reality? Figure it out before you sit down because this is one awesome ride.

The Russian Bride Directed by Michael S. Ojeda. Written by Michael S. Ojeda. Starring Oksana Orlan, Corbin Bernsen, Kristina Pimenova, Lisa Goodman and Michael Robert Brandon. The Russian Bride premiered at Festival de Cannes.

4.5 out of 5 stars

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