The Girl Who Cried Her Eyes Out Image

The Girl Who Cried Her Eyes Out

By Michael Talbot-Haynes | June 27, 2024

Nothing goes better with a campfire in the woods than liquor, drugs, and a body count, as we see in The Girl Who Cried Her Eyes Out, a superb haunted slasher directed by Eugene John Bellida. In the forest after dark, Maddie (Mari Blake) is sore that her best friend Kim (Suzanna Scorcia) because she brought her a*****e boyfriend, Cort (Jason Schlaman), along to the campfire.

Turns out Kim invited the whole gang to what Maddie thought was going to be their night together alone. Drinking around the fire are all the couples, including Max (Mark Ashin), who is dating Jess (Kelsea Baker); Mikayla (Mikaela Seamans) with her stoner boyfriend Goose (Chandler Reed); and Lindsey (Meena Knowles), who is seeing tough leather boy Landon (H.K. Moore). Alone again is a nice guy, Greg (Tyler Meteu Bryan), who can only get girls to be his friends but never his girlfriend. He has a crush on Nikki (Lisa Naso), but she can’t help him. They also brought along Selene (Aleis Work), who is a witch.

“She is said still to wander the woods, crying tears of blood.”

As the night’s drinking devolves into drugging, Selene explains why people are not allowed in this forest at night. She tells the legend of Caroline Woodman (Hallie Ruth Jacobs), a little girl who died horribly trying to make friends with the cruel children from the village. She is said still to wander the woods, crying tears of blood. Cort dares Maddie to wander out into the woods, just like Caroline was made to before she died. Maddie, pissed at Cort and the rest of them, goes marching off.

After an hour of wandering in the woods, she comes across a curled-up girl weeping. She runs like Hell back to the camp and finds it abandoned. When she finds her friends, they insist they were there the whole time and that she was only gone for 10 minutes. With the party over, everyone packs it up and goes home. Then, one by one, everyone around the fire is visited by a pale shape wearing a tattered dress…

The Girl Who Cried Her Eyes Out (2024)

Directed: Eugene John Bellida

Written: Eugene John Bellida, Fabrizio Fante, Deborah Rickey, Tess Rickey

Starring: Mari Blake, Suzanna Scorcia, Jason Schlaman, Hallie Ruth Jacobs, Aleis Work, Mark Ashin, Mikeala Seamans, Chandler Reed, Meena Knowles, H.K. Moore, Tyler Meteu Bryan, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

The Girl Who Cried Her Eyes Out Image

"…will pull your eyes out and play jump rope with them."

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  1. Peter says:

    I will have to check it out it sounds awesome. Is it on Amazon or Vudu?

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