Written and directed by Samuel Kihagi, The Blue has something interesting to say, and it sneaks up on you at the end. We used to be social people. We used to go somewhere and talk. One downside of the internet is that we’ve returned to our prehistoric caves. I suppose video games started the trend. But we find ourselves now interacting with fellow human beings through a computer chat room or in the comments. Soon we’ll all lose the need ever to go outside or bathe.
Francois (Lee Bingham) is one of those guys. He’s locked himself away in his mother’s home, where she hasn’t been seen for several months (don’t worry, she just left and wasn’t murdered). Francois’ life is a simple one consisting of sleeping, watching TV, eating, and masturbating to internet porn—the four primary food groups. Once in awhile, he’ll sit in front of the computer and contemplate the script he’s been writing, presumably forever.

“…an exploration into loneliness as experienced by Francois. He’s grown comfortable in the isolated life he’s created…”
Out of the blue comes Dora (Kayla Morales) to Francois’ doorstep. Dora is from the Department of Water and Power Utilization, and she’s there to check the utilization of water and power of the home and offer tips on more efficient usage. The two begin a very peculiar friendship. Dora’s job is to go through the house and find ways that Francois and his mother can save water and power. Francois, on the other hand, wants her to leave.
The relationship is peculiar in that Dora is a very talkative person and a little nosy. Francois wants to go back to masturbating. Dora extends her stay, insisting that she needs the owner’s signature before she can complete her job, and she ends up buying lunch for the two before finally leaving at nightfall. The two become comfortable just talking.
As I’m describing this interaction between the two, I feel like I’m describing a horror/thriller, but it’s much more innocent than that. The Blue is an exploration into loneliness as experienced by Francois. He’s grown comfortable in the isolated life he’s created, which exhibits itself in his standoffish behavior toward Dora and his increasing depression living in a large lonely house.

"…sleeping, watching TV, eating, and masturbating to internet porn—the four primary food groups."