Stuck Image


By Alan Ng | August 26, 2024

When tragedy strikes, we often face a choice: reach out for help or withdraw into ourselves. Dan Abramovici and Liam Gareau’s short film Stuck shows the consequences of withdrawal.

Once a talented rock guitarist, Rai (Michael Pillarella) finds his world turned upside down after surgery, making it challenging to be in public. Isolated and haunted by the memories of his past glory, Rai ghosted his former bandmates and now struggles to cope with losing his identity and dreams. Now, he sits in his living room alone, listening to albums from his previous life.

Rai’s solitude is interrupted when Isla (Karen Knox), a former bandmate, pays him a visit. She brings exciting news: the band has a major opportunity with a record label, but their replacement guitarist just quit. Isla implores Rai to get back in the game, and after a bit of flirtation and coaxing, Isla uncovers the painful truth behind Rai’s disappearance from the band.

“…his world turned upside down after surgery…Rai ghosted his former bandmates…”

Stuck is about how we deal with a life-altering medical condition. We either unleash the truth to loved ones or, in Rai’s case, withdraw due to personal shame about the situation. Stuck deals not only with themes of friendship and being open but also with the tug-of-war between a discarded dream and that tiny sliver of an opportunity to return.

Anchored by a brilliant performance as Rai, Michael Pillarella portrays a man “stuck” in a cycle of shame resigned to distance himself from his dreams. Equally brilliant is Karen Knox, as is Isla, who is the voice of reason—that important voice of friendship and how we’re not alone in this world. Coupled with a kickin’ rock soundtrack and a tone set perfectly by director Abramovici, Stuck is a tightly crafted film with an explosive message.

Stuck (2024)

Directed: Dan Abramovici

Written: Dan Abramovici, Liam Gareau

Starring: Michael Pillarella, Karen Knox, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Stuck Image

"…how we deal with a life-altering condition."

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