Skincare Image


By Michael Talbot-Haynes | August 19, 2024

She is not alone among the twinkling lights in this picture. Fillion gets to flip to the dark side of the pancake, which he finds a way to make adorable. Fillion is the new Shatner and will keep shining on as he is still secretly captain of the ship to many of us. It is a joy to see Rodriguez on the big screen as I religiously followed her run on Pose. She does a great job as Marine, though she really isn’t given a huge amount to do. You can’t help but think that by casting her in such a limited role, the filmmakers brought the bazooka and left it in the trunk. But she is one of the familiar faces that you are glad to see, which is a lot of the movie’s appeal.

“…the kind of movie you stumble upon Sunday afternoon while nursing a hangover.”

The biggest complication director Peters has with a truly successful blast-off is mostly due to how they chose to adapt the true story Skincare is based. While it is a fascinating tale with lots of interest drawn, it becomes blisteringly apparent while watching that there are two very different sides to what happened in the Hope Goldman affair. Peters has taken one side, which may be the wiser choice, instead of trying to find an ambiguity like in American Psycho. However, firmly placing the narrative on one version requires the audience to ignore all the indications of the other version. It is like the two TV movies about Amy Fisher where the teen was seduced in the Drew Barrymore version, while in the Alyssa Milano version, the guy never laid a hand on her. Peters has presented us with the Milano version, the story we would like to believe but have a hard time doing.

Also, Skincare feels a lot like the kind of movie you stumble upon Sunday afternoon while nursing a hangover. So let’s beat it to the punch and actually see it in a theater instead. Grab your pack, get lit like Christmas trees, and stumble into a showing.

Skincare (2024)

Directed: Austin Peters

Written: Austin Peters, Sam Freilich, Deering Regan

Starring: Elizabeth Banks, Lewis Pullman, Nathan Fillion, MJ Rodriguez, Luis Gerardo Méndez, John Billingsley, etc.

Movie score: 7/10

Skincare Image

"…the cinematic equivalent of a Barbie-mobile with 60s Cadillac fins."

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