Writer-director Danny Gibbons’ short film Sherbet is a beautiful story of two souls finding themselves at a random intersection in life. Rene (Jay Simpson) is an over-the-hill taxi driver trying to eke out a day’s wages in front of a club in the middle of the night. He waits, listening to relaxation tapes in hopes that his next passenger won’t throw up in his car.
Entering the cab is 15-year-old Isa (India Brown). Immediately, Rene is annoyed by the extremely chatty teen. She doesn’t think Rene’s name suits him. Maybe Steve or Craig. He immediately shuts down any further conversation until he notices that Isa has no hair and not by choice.

“…he notices that Isa has no hair and not by choice.”
Sherbet is a simple two-hander. The story is a juxtaposition of two lives: the long, uneventful life of Rene and the soon-to-be short-lived life of Isa. Isa plans to make the most of what time she has left, which causes Rene to reconsider the life he’s living now.
As heavy as the subject matter is, Jay Simpson and India Brown both give inspiring and touching performances. Gibbons navigates Sherbet‘s tone well from icy cold to heartwarming in the end.

"…inspiring and touching performances."