Brendan Walter’s short film, Kia Summer Sales Event, is a six-minute parody of the 30-second Kia Summer Sales Commercial. The short opens with a dead-on recreation of said commercial. Then, in a nearly black and white setting, a couple (Barak Gardley and Monika Smith) speaks in soft tones regarding the urgency of the upcoming weekend sale.

“…weaves in and out of the need for a new car and the man’s existential life crisis surrounding his relationship, infidelity, and starting a family.”
As their talk continues and the camera pulls back, we see the couple are Juggalos. From there, the conversation weaves in and out of the need for a new car and the man’s existential life crisis surrounding his relationship, infidelity, and starting a family.
Kia Summer Sales Event connects right away with the familiar, in this case, a well-known commercial. Maintaining the tone of that commercial allows the story to spin wildly out of control, only to eventually pull back to the odd reality of the situation. Writer-director Brendan Walter winds up with hilarious results.
To take advantage of the Kia Summer Sales Event, head to its official website.

"…allows the story to spin wildly out of control..."