Islanders Image


By Abhishek Sharma | October 28, 2022

It’s a surreal interpretation that Islanders represent in its connection between the icy breeze and the sound of Brian’s guitar or Jane’s voice. As Jane, who was born and raised in Mackinac, speaks of her way of life and her music, you realize the role of the island in the documentary and the upcoming album. However, the film doesn’t let it stay with the viewer and in no time jumps to the following sequence among those chapters. A further look at the Spencers’ connection to this place would make the story resonate more.

Harmer’s cinematography is splendid. His work tries to make a wholesome connection between the duo and the significance Jane’s hometown has in their hard work to record their new album. Whereas, Anna Gustafson edits the film well enough to make it a perfect bond between music and Mackinac by intercutting the Spencers’ sessions with the conversations with the local folk.

“…[well-portrays]…the duo’s passion and meaning for music.”

One of the other well-portrayed aspects of Islanders is the duo’s passion and meaning for music. Brian’s day job is working remotely for a music marketing agency. Jabe comes from a family of creators and is prolific in music and filmmaking, refusing to align herself with any single form of art. The film captures how their marriage itself reflects upon their shared understanding and significance of music as well as what impact their work has on themselves. We see both struggling and celebrating as they make their song I Am Machine. The result is some good jams as we hear more of their songs.

Islanders is, however, unable to have any profound impact on the viewer. Many moments in the film seem detached from its core idea or intent. There needs to be more consistency in connecting Mackinac’s way of life to FINKEL. The duo intensely experiences it, but it needs to be portrayed better. Probably, only some select groups were in the director’s target audience, and people’s distinct preferences in music shall also impact the viewership. However, overall, it’s a decent film that will bring you a newfound interest in electro-pop music while also creating this urge to check FINKEL out.

For screening information, visit the Islanders official website.

Islanders (2022)

Directed: Craig Harmer, Joe Zook


Starring: Jane Spencer, Brian Spencer, etc.

Movie score: 7/10

Islanders Image

"…will bring you a newfound interest in electro-pop music..."

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