Lastly is Drew’s daughter, Shannon. She doesn’t exactly have the greatest relationship with her father as she has little respect for him. She is dating Jamie (Fred Hechinger), Quint and Carrie’s son, but is developing feelings for Ian (Alex Wolff), a patient of her therapist step-mother. She falls hard for Ian, but things don’t go so well for Shannon. I did mention the hit-and-run accident earlier…right?
Human Capital is a fantastic study of people being pushed to their limits, not just financial, but emotional and social. This character study works primarily because of its first-rate cast. Liev Schreiber makes a 180-degree-turn from his usual tough-guy roles like Ray Donovan. He portrays Drew as a broken shell of a man, broken further by taking seemingly unethical steps to fund the investment.

“Director Meyers does fantastic work managing every performance and interaction…”
Then Marisa Tomei comes out swinging as the wife and mother willing to put up with a loveless marriage, and a complicated relationship with her son, to realize a personal dream and follow her passion. Maya Hawke goes even more complicated trying to be a healthy, normal person while making tough choices that would affect her current boyfriend Jamie and secret love interest Ian.
The supporting cast is just as brilliant. Peter Sarsgaard has the smarmy, condescending investor character down pat, and the almost unrecognizable Alex Wolff is relatable as the psychologically damaged Ian. Director Meyers does fantastic work managing every performance and interaction with the right pace keeping the drama interesting.
What I liked most about Moverman’s script is how “money” and the themes of money are played out in the background and choosing to focus more on the characters’ arc instead. The story also consists of three replays—one after the other. Each replay dives into the individual roles on the forefront all the while revealing important information leading up to the bike accident. While Human Capital has no supernatural he-was-dead-the-whole-time moments, you’re going to enjoy a series of excellent performances from its cast, ending in a light mystery solved.
Human Capital screened at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival.

"…Schreiber makes a 180-degree-turn from his usual tough-guy roles"
[…] after their children begin a relationship that leads to a tragic accident.At the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] after their children begin a relationship that leads to a tragic accident.At the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] after their children begin a relationship that leads to a tragic accident.At the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] el momento de la emisión, películaamenaza elogió las actuaciones y al director, mientras que Los Angeles Times finalmente cerrado que varias […]
[…] irse, PelículaAmenaza elogió las actuaciones y al director, mientras que Los Angeles Times finalmente concluido que […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] moment de la sortie, FilmMenace a fait l’éloge des performances et du réalisateur, tandis que le Los Angeles Times […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] the time of release, Film Threat While the Los Angeles Times praised the acting and the director Finally the conclusion That was […]
[…] 在發佈時,FilmThreat 讚揚了表演和導演,而洛杉磯時報 最終得出結論,各種故事情節引人入勝但逐漸消失。 […]
[…] the time of release, Movie Threat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times finally decided that several […]
[…] udgivelsestidspunktet, FilmThreat roste præstationerne og instruktøren, mens Los Angeles Times i sidste ende konkluderede, at […]
[…] στιγμή της κυκλοφορίας, FilmThreat επαίνεσε τις ερμηνείες και τον σκηνοθέτη, ενώ οι Los […]
[…] momentul lansării, FilmThreat a lăudat spectacolele și regizorul, în timp ce Los Angeles Times a ajuns în cele din urmă la […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] releasen, FilmThreat berömde föreställningarna och regissören, medan Los Angeles Times till slut drog slutsatsen att […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
[…] the time of release, FilmThreat praised the performances and director, while the Los Angeles Times ultimately concluded that […]
Looks like John Ventimiglia (The Sopranos Artie Bucco).
You nailed it, well done!
Who played Ian’s uncle in the movie…. It’s not listed anywhere…. Why?
I need to know this too!!! Did you find out who it is?