NEW TO VOD! I must admit that my pull to Hail to the Deadites originally was Bruce Campbell. I am a big fan of the man behind Ash in the Evil Dead franchise. However, upon watching this documentary, I realized that there are people who are much bigger fans of the franchise than I am. Much, much bigger, in fact. Hail to the Deadites is not so much a documentary about Evil Dead itself, but about the people around the world obsessed with the film franchise. They’re the “Deadites” referred to in the title, not the ugly demons in the film trilogy screaming that they’ll “swallow your soul.”

“…not so much a documentary about Evil Dead itself, but about the people around the world obsessed with the film franchise.”
Steve Villeneuve and Martin Bruyere travel around Canada and the U.S. to different conventions, including Horrorhound in Cincinnati, Ohio, Shock Stock in London, Ontario, Canada, Days Of The Dead in Indianapolis, Indiana and more. Steve and Martin meet actors from all three films in the original Sam Raimi trilogy. They also meet Tom Sullivan, who did the special effects for the original Evil Dead. Then they start meeting several superfans throughout the country.
There are Kevin Edwards and Robert Snyder, who had their proposal at a convention helped along by Tom Sullivan, who kept handing over props, finally including the engagement ring. Then there is Adam King from upstate New York who dresses up like Ash at many conventions and has even been asked to come to certain events in his Ash costume. He wanted to meet Bruce Campbell and started an IndieGoGo to meet him. An anonymous donor gave him $800, and he thinks that it was Bruce himself. There are several other heartwarming fan stories and huge collections worthy of great envy for Evil Dead fans everywhere.

"…maybe one day, you will have fans making tribute films of your movie..."