Fuck You, Cupid Image

Fuck You, Cupid

By Alan Ng | July 18, 2024

Felipe Marinheiro’s “romantic” short, F**k You, Cupid, could possibly be a cautionary tale when it comes to meddling with love. Luna (Madison Vice) is a young woman hellbent on getting her money back from a fortune teller (Starla Caldwell), who sold her a doll that made her partner fall in love with her. Though the two are now together, something doesn’t feel right.

“…sold her a doll that made her partner fall in love with her.”

F**k You, Cupid takes maximum advantage of the short film format to tell a thought-provoking story. In fact, Marinheiro’s tale is lean and efficient, gets right to the point, and, of course, it all starts with a good story. Taking its cue from the Twilight Zone, it asks the question, if you make someone fall in love with you (whether they know it or not), are they, in fact, in love with you?

With a compelling narrative and strong performances from the cast, Marinheiro has essentially completed the task. Picture this: a straightforward fortune teller’s establishment with a blind child at the entrance and understated music. This results in a cohesive film with a meaningful message.

Fuck You, Cupid (2024)

Directed and Written: Felipe Marinheiro

Starring: Madison Vice, Starla Caldwell, Ranen Navat, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Fuck You, Cupid Image

"…if you make someone fall in love with you...are they, in fact, in love with you?"

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