In a film franchise, the Big Studios will cover the stories of the larger-than-life heroes in the main timeline, which leaves all the fringe characters available for fan fiction. Writer/director Anthony Ferraro tells one such side quest in Forsaken Mandalorian and the Drunken Jedi.
We open with the Forsaken Mandalorian (Jonathan Castile) chasing down Twi’lek (Clint Carney), a Hutt courier. The courier has an important package of particular interest to the Mandalorian. When Twi’lek is pinned down in the middle of the desert, he offers to give the Mandalorian a Kyber crystal that he stole from a local Jedi’s lightsaber rather than the package. The Mandalorian decides to take both. The Mandalorian then heads off to meet the Drunken Jedi (Anthony Ferraro) and hopes to use the stolen crystal to get some answers.
“…offers to give the Mandalorian a Kyber crystal that he stole from a local Jedi’s lightsaber…”
I’ve had the opportunity to review several of Ferraro’s short sci-fi films before. Like his past films, Forsaken Mandalorian and the Drunken Jedi impresses with its quality of visual effects and how they are used. The director continues to push the limits of off-the-shelf technology available to independent filmmakers. Here, in his first attempt at Star Wars fan fiction, Ferraro gives us a fully rendered Mandalorian ship in addiction to a speeder bike, Jedi, and lightsaber effects.
Presented as a few pages of a much larger tale, Forsaken Mandalorian and the Drunken Jedi documents a brief encounter between lowly members of two iconic classes in the Star Wars universe. Each one has gone astray from their class for very different reasons. Ferraro is wise enough to allow the narrative to take center stage and uses CGI and special effects to truly accent the story, as true fan fiction should. This is the next best evolution of the slowly growing library of work from the mind of Anthony Ferraro.
"…impresses with its quality of visual effects and how they are used."
I recently watched Mandalorian and I really liked this series