Endless Video, written and directed by Gwendolyn Infusino, follows four friends who unite over their love of movies and expensive pizza. When Kevvo (Dylan Ryan) maxes out the store credit card buying thousands of Troma Westerns, the video archive needs cash and quick. Now, Bryan (Steve Olson), Jason (Zachary Margolis), Zander (Daniel de Wheldon), and Kevvo find themselves struggling to save their beloved video store. Hijinks and mayhem (of sorts) ensue as the four film fanatics try to recover from their recent economic plight.
The short comedy has a solid premise. The idea of a local video store fighting for survival is something tons of cinema buffs, including myself, can relate to and would love to watch. This very premise is what makes The Last Blockbuster and Be Kind Rewind so nostalgic. Unfortunately, while Endless Video shows some promise in the story department, the potentially engaging aesthetic begins and ends with the location. The video store setting is not vital to the plot or characters, which is disheartening for a film boasting about its love for physical media in the opening three minutes.

“…four friends…find themselves struggling to save their beloved video store.”
The plot of trying to save a cherished store is something relatable, especially in 2021. However, the path the film takes to get from the opening scene to the closing credits is a bit nonsensical, but not in the intentional, absurdist sort of way. Instead, it feels like a series of “let’s do this thing” moments, but we never see any concrete results of the character’s actions. This results in a story that is a bit disjointed, even if individual scenes work.
Despite my hang-ups, Gwendolyn Infusino does show promise. The setting and characters are engaging; I would love to see all of these elements be a bit more fleshed out so that their full potential is unleashed. As a comedy, Endless Video has some laughs, but the overall lack of consequence and the unsatisfying ending made it all rather unrewarding.
Endless Video screened at the 2021 Palm Springs ShortFest.

"…Gwendolyn Infusino does show promise."