Elsa Image


By Bobby LePire | September 4, 2024

FLICKER’S RHODE ISLAND INTERNATIONAL 2024 FILM FESTIVAL! Elsa, a short film directed by Rebecca King and Lizzie Nunnery, offers a unique perspective on World War II. Nina Yndis portrays the titular character, a Norwegian woman navigating life under Nazi occupation. Elsa’s love for German soldier Kristian (Lars Berge) leads to a complex situation, as Kristian keeps her safe, but the harsh reality of life under the Nazi regime becomes unavoidable.

The film, though barely over 17 minutes, is a poignant journey. Elsa’s awakening to the true intentions of the Third Reich offers a fresh perspective on the often-told story of the Second World War. Nunnery’s narrative takes us to the streets, adding depth and weight to the unfolding events.

“…the harsh reality of life under the Nazi regime becomes unavoidable.”

The biggest takeaway from Elsa, though, is Yndis. She’s heartbreaking and powerful in a complicated role. There’s little doubt as to Elsa’s yearning for Kristian. Yet, the actor makes her vulnerabilities and apprehensions shine through. When she breaks down in tears, it’s heartbreaking. Yndis is perfect here and doesn’t merely play Elsa; she is Elsa.

Elsa is a highly dramatic and emotional look at how World War II affected everybody. Despite its brief running time, it delivers on all fronts. A powerful performance by Yndis, who gets to show off her impressive range, leads the short film to become a must-see.

Elsa screened at the 2024 Flicker’s Rhode Island International Film Festival.

Elsa (2024)

Directed: Rebecca King

Written: Lizzie Nunnery

Starring: Nina Yndis, Lars Berge, etc.

Movie score: 9.5/10

Elsa Image

"…highly dramatic and emotional..."

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