CorbaGator was originally produced by the late great Roger Corman for Syfy in or around 2018. For one reason or another, it got shelved and was presumed lost media for years. Retitled to the less accurate DinoGator and sans Corman’s name to be found anywhere in the credits, the Jim Wynorski written and directed b-movie is finally here for audiences to laugh at. Is it worth the wait, or should it have stayed an orphaned work?
Genetic engineer Layton (Michael Madsen) and his son, Wyatt (Bryan Clark), need the help of infamous hunter Jake (Paul Logan). See, the creature Layton’s been working on has gotten loose and is eating people throughout the Florida swamps. Unfortunately, the band Swamp Vixens From Uranus is shooting a music video in the same bog. Even more of a problem for band members Troy (Aaron Groben), Izzy (Grace West), Rony (Lauren Parkinson), and Aubrey (Savannah Goldsmith) is that their swamp guide, Nathan (Jesse Bernstein), is bitter rivals with the jacked-up, easy to anger Jake. Will DinoGator devour everyone in the swamp and nearby town? Will Layton ever learn to like Wyatt, much less understand him?
Look, it is right there in the name: DinoGator. Anyone considering watching this knows exactly what they are in for. The question is not if this is good, but rather if it’s cheesy bad enough to rank alongside Sharknado, Sharkansas Women’s Prison Massacre, and Anonymous Rex. Surprising no one, this is tons of stupid, poorly rendered CGI fun. Yes, the creature of the title has as much weight as the pixelated type you are reading. It moves about as smoothly as a poorly streamed game. But who cares?

“…the creature Layton’s been working on has gotten loose and is eating people throughout the Florida swamps.”
Wynorski made a very silly film that is on the joke. The dialogue hits the expected groan-inducing cliches, but also has a number of intentional punchlines. Izzy and Nathan’s banter about song titles is so goofy it is hilarious. Layton’s distaste for his stammering son is so overwrought it can only be intentionally silly. Also of great amusement is the vague reason Layton even created DinoGator. This is as close to parody without crossing over as can be.
Happily, the cast understands the assignment. Madsen leers, jeers, and taunts like the old pro he is. Logan uses his impressive muscles to good effect, as he is a convincing lunkhead with a murderous streak. West sizzles as the flirty final girl, and her chemistry with Bernstein is solid. For his part, Bernstein has excellent comedic timing and is believable in the action beats. The rest of the cast all do very well, or purposefully poorly, as the case may be.
DinoGator is precisely what it promises to be. It’s dumb, goofy, and cheesy from start to finish. While it is not well-made, it is well-made enough for what it is. Wynorski has made an enjoyable B-movie with enough dumb lines and ridiculous moments for fans of Schlock to have a total blast. Now, can someone please tell me where I can buy this on Blu-ray?

"…precisely what it promises..."