I personally appreciated the emphasis on the advantages of going out into nature when dosing, as it makes sense that in public, you are clinging more to that pesky ego by pretending you aren’t on illegal drugs. The quicker the ego gets out of the way, the faster you can become immersed in what lies behind the sky. Interviewee Lisa Ellman explains how she got much farther when she stopped asking the answers to questions and instead asked what questions she should be asking. The Visitations chapter will be the most controversial for those who haven’t used DMT, as it touches upon contact with beings from another dimension. This gets into the territory where many believe these are not hallucinations but instead a clear view free of hallucination.
“The DMT recreations are especially potent, as they successfully capture that drug’s high-intensity impact…”
Yep, you are going to get to see the unseeable. I would think that a main draw of anything about hallucinogenic drugs is to see the visuals recreating the trip effects. People who have never tripped want a taste of what it can be like from their sofas, while those who have kissed Kundalini want to see how much they got it right. On the visual front, Contemplations: On The Psychedelic Experience has the most accomplished parade of hallucinatory dreamscapes ever portrayed in a documentary. The variety of animation styles keeps this tab peaking throughout the running time. I especially appreciated the raw cartoon look of a lot of the bad trips, especially the levitating cop cars. Even the traditional fractals we have grown numb to are peppered with idiosyncratic details and touches that will ring true to anyone who has slaughtered a blotter.
The DMT recreations are especially potent, as they successfully capture that drug’s high-intensity impact of what is the cosmic equivalent of bungee jumping. It also gives a wealth of wonder-inducing sights with which legal cannabis users can frolic as the bong keeps belching mind smog. Rak Razam, a gonzo journalist specializing in journeying to the center of the mind, talks about how it is so exciting that these are the times and we are the ones we have been waiting for. Contemplations: On The Psychedelic Experience is an open call to explore a wild frontier of consciousness that will reveal undiscovered silver mines on your plane.
"…has the most accomplished parade of hallucinatory dreamscapes ever..."