Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats Image

Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats

By Josiah Teal | May 29, 2024

Director Susan Polis Schutz is a poet and filmmaker with an activist spirit. Her previous work includes Love Wins Over Hate, a film combatting white supremacy months after the death of George Floyd in 2020. Schutz’s latest film continues her fight for social change by centering around six organizations committed to peace and building bonds to bring sometimes centuries-old divides. Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats is a relevant and fast-paced look at those trying to change the world, one person at a time.

Narratively speaking, Bridging Divides is a series of quick 8 to 12-minute short documentaries, each featuring a different organization. These organizations range from Fandango Frotenzo, a music festival on the border of Mexico and the United States, to Peace Player, which organizes basketball games with Catholic and Protestant youth in Ireland. Faith-based ministries like Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom, The Jerusalem Youth Chorus, and Youth and Family Ministries unite multiple faiths to combat misinformation and hate. The Chicago Children’s Choir is using the power of music to confront racial and economic inequalities. Each organization offers a unique perspective and catalyzes change in their communities.

“…the powerful themes of lasting peace and empathy are present in every frame…”

Themes of the community are prevalent throughout Bridging Divides. Schultz uses footage from each organization to highlight the diversity and community building on the basketball courts of Ireland and dinner tables of Tri-faith organizations. Each section of the film is well-structured, giving each group time to discuss their outreach and the importance of their cause while keeping the information flowing. Nothing in the film lags or feels out of place, as the film flows between social causes easily, uniting each cause under the banner of a better future and a more hopeful present.

Despite positive similarities and significant differences in each organization’s approach, the powerful themes of lasting peace and empathy are present in every frame of Bridging Divides. None of the sections overstay their welcome, but the film does feel like a series of bite-sized looks at each organization. There is nothing too deep into the inner workings of the organizations or anything trying to strike heavy emotional chords; it’s inspiration overload, and for the most part, it works. Schultz’s latest documentary may not inform to the degree of her previous work, but it’s still a worthwhile watch. More than a simple feel-good doc, Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats showcases those around the world creating lasting change and gives viewers an idea of how they can make an impact.

Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats is available on and the PBS app.

Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats (2024)

Directed and Written: Susan Polis Schutz

Starring: Jorge Franciso Castillo, Trevor Ringland, Roberta Elliot, Nadia Alam, Miriam Sharton, Rebecca Morello, Judy Hanson, etc.

Movie score: 7/10

Bridging Divides: Sharing Heartbeats  Image

"…showcases those around the world creating lasting change..."

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