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By Eric Campos | August 24, 2003

In the moments leading up to the latest war in Iraq, American citizens were anxious, many of them taking to the streets to rally against or for the war. Others stayed glued to their televisions and radios, too frightened to know what to do with themselves. And then there were those like Merle, the average factory worker as seen in Evan Mather’s new short “Bodybags.”
Merle walks back and forth to work at the factory, caught up in the monotonous daily grind, while war in a far away land is brewing. Merle can’t bring himself to worry too much about it, though; all he really cares about are his pet fish. And as news broadcasts report mounting casualties, Merle continues to live like a pig. In one scene we see him eating a bowl of cereal and drinking a beer while sitting on the toilet. He then climbs into bed and pours over a National Geographic.
The war begins creeping into his dreams, however, disturbing his ignorance is bliss lifestyle. But it’s still all about the fish. Here is the portrait of a man who could not be bothered enough to break from his boring daily routine…until personal tragedy strikes, however.

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