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Black Outside

By Alan Ng | August 28, 2024

NEW TO VOD! In his feature film Black Outside, filmmaker Gary Wilkerson, Jr. takes a hike—literally—on a journey of self-discovery.

Gary Wilkerson, a writer stuck in a rut, felt trapped in a mundane cycle, scraping by day-to-day and dealing with depression, low self-image, and perceived (and actual) racism. Something needed to change, and that change involved going on a hike, being outdoors, and roughing it.

To challenge himself to get out of his comfort zone, Gary decides to put his life on hold and hike the 2,600-mile Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), starting in Mexico and ending in Canada. Along with him is his roommate Mary, who will be his cameraperson and at the ready to document everything. Thousands have attempted the hike, but only a few hundred have ever finished it. What group will Gary fall into?

Starting on day one, Gary begins to experience a series of firsts: his first day, his first mile, his first drink of water from nature, and his first use of the bathroom shovel. Then, the days become a series of tests, with feeling tired and sore, newly formed blisters on his feet, walking in direct sun with no shade, and a tent that won’t stay up in the middle of the night.

“…Gary decides to put his life on hold and hike the 2,600-mile Pacific Crest Trail…”

As the days and miles pass, Gary and Mary run into fellow travelers on the same journey along the PCT. Here, Gary learns about family and the familial bonds formed with people who are not actually family. He is also forced to confront some of the demons he left behind, including depression, which only adds to the struggle to not give up on the goal.

What makes Black Outside intriguing is that Gary Wilkerson is us. He’s just this guy going through a mid-life crisis very early in life and needing to discover who he truly is—a very familiar feeling to anyone who has found themselves in a transition in life.

The documentary is primarily about this journey and the physical challenges that Gary has to overcome—and overcome he does. Easy, it is not. There is nothing easy about this trip, but Gary finds a community of people with the same goals who are ready to help those who need it and receive help. And no, they don’t have to look like you, either.

As a film, the landscapes are gorgeous, and Ironically, the more breathtaking the landscape, the more challenging the path becomes, especially when Gary and crew ready the Sierra Nevada. At one point, Gary remarks that for every bad day, there inevitably comes a day that is magical.

I dare you to watch Black Outside and not think about wanting to do this journey for yourself. There’s something irresistible about this film, and indeed, there is something within you that must be released, and a 2,600-mile hike might be what the doctor ordered.

Black Outside is coming to VOD on September 3, 2024.

Black Outside (2024)

Directed and Written: Gary Wilkerson Jr., Mary Jeanes

Starring: Gary Wilkerson Jr., Mary Jeanes, etc.

Movie score: 8/10

Black Outside Image

"…for every bad day, there inevitably comes a day that is magical."

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