If you’re anything like me when someone utters the word “Obama,” you are instantly transported back to a time where the fearless leader of our country didn’t suggest that we drink disinfectant to get rid of a virus. A time when the same supposed leader didn’t talk about grabbing anyone’s genitalia. A time where at least some common sense was in place and the president was someone that could be trusted with our best interests at heart. If you happen to fall into the other camp, the one who somehow actually supports the clown in the oval office, you may want to stop reading now.

“…shows Michelle’s side of the story and offers up an understanding…”
I say this because I just watched Becoming, a documentary not about our former president but his lovely and internationally beloved First Lady, Michelle Obama. Frankly, there were times in the film where I was straight out crying just because of how great the Obamas were in the white house. Whether or not you agree with their politics, both Obamas have charisma in spades, as where the current first family offers about as much appeal as a potato that’s been over-cooked in the microwave.
Becoming follows Mrs. Obama on her book tour for the eponymously titled book. She went to over 30 cities and chatted with various moderators who are nothing to shake a stick at. People such as Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King, Tracee Ellis Ross, Conan O’Brien, Stephen Colbert, Reese Witherspoon, and Phoebe Robinson, just to name a few. We see and hear her speak from the stage, but then we’re also lead on a personal journey to discover the finer points of Michelle’s life thus far. We meet her mother, Marian Shields Robinson, and her brother Craig Robinson (no, not THAT Craig Robinson). We meet her secret service detail, Agent Allen, and her stylist since she was in the White House, Meredith Koop. We find out she knows how to play the Peanuts theme on the piano and that she was initially Barack Obama’s professional mentor before they got married.

"…Obama is still using her platform to help people and give people hope..."
[…] Lorry Kikta, Film Threat […]
[…] Lorry Kikta, Film Threat […]