Babezilla Vs. The Cyber Skanks: Rise Of MechaBabezilla Image

Babezilla Vs. The Cyber Skanks: Rise Of MechaBabezilla

By Michael Talbot-Haynes | September 19, 2024

Taking full advantage of the freedom offered in these cinematic wild lands, Andrews utilizes Love’s talents of manipulating her buxom form to generate moments of surreal physical art. Love shoots lasers out of her nipples like Godzilla’s heat vision, but it is the weaponizing of her p***y as a channel of atomic fire that brings endless joy to the universe. It is a simple effect made phenomenal due to the actress’s willingness to whip around her meow-meow on camera. Love, masked as a lizard for battle action with a sword and string bikini, carries with her the power of a Frazetta painting, with full awareness of the energy of certain angles while keeping it untamed.

“…a lot of unexpected inventiveness in its elevated treatment of graphic nudity.”

Yes, it looks cheap, but that’s part of the raw throb that it wields. It all comes from an Ed Wood Jr. style aesthetic that makes sure you can see the string holding up the pie plate UFO in the air. The worse it looks, the better it works here. That goes double for the Dr. Butcher MD-like gore sequences when the doctors cut up the women to make the cyber skanks. Andrews is serious about the film not taking itself too seriously. There is a wonderful throwaway substitute for the non-sword fight sequences where the performers do little dances in place of throwing punches. It is more tongue-in-cheek than the rimming world finals.

Other masterful post-exploitation moves include the purposeful skipping of potential sex scenes, like the cutaway when Jo’s delightful paste-on mustache was about to get to work. This allows the nudity to remain uncaged and incorporated into the narrative in non-functional ways. Andrews also makes sure all sorts of bodies are involved of all shapes and sizes. This includes several big, beautiful women who can pop them out like the best of them. And Lynn gets to have a lot of fun as the Brando here doing Superman’s father for Love. Legends matter, and Lynn never fails to impress. Babezilla Vs. The Cyber Skanks: Rise Of MechaBabezilla is cheese, but it is one of those refined, stinky cheeses like the kind that waltz out of France—total party movie to the max. 

Babezilla Vs. The Cyber Skanks: Rise Of MechaBabezilla (2024)

Directed and Written: Andrew J Chambers

Starring: Stephanie Love, Ginger Lynn, Jessa Flux, Vinyl Dowling, Kelsey Livengood, Raven Foyt, Bobbi Jo, Kevin Heesacker, Erik Luna, etc.

Movie score: 7.5/10

Babezilla Vs. The Cyber Skanks: Rise Of MechaBabezilla Image

"…total party movie to the max. "

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