Your eyes will go full gape over the wonders on display in the flesh and blood silly show Babezilla Vs. The Cyber Skanks: Rise Of MechaBabezilla, written and directed by Andrew J Chambers. It picks up where the last installment of the franchise left off, with a recap of the climatic battle of Babezilla Vs. The Zombie Whorde. Babezilla (Stephanie Love), a porn star by day and reptilian barbarian queen by night, is scheduled for a big meet and greet with her eager fans. However, the evil twins of the villains in the previous movie, Dr. Cornwallis (Kevin Heesacker) and Dr. Stephenson (Erik Luna) are plotting revenge on Babezilla as she slew their brothers.
So right when Babezilla is about to sign a happy fan’s big dirty milkers, the event is invaded by the doctors’ cybernetic death squad, the Cyber Skanks. We have Captain Cut (Vinyl Dowling) who has circular saw blades for hands. We have Colonel Clamp (Kelsey Livengood), who has giant metal claws. Last but not least are the deadly hugs from Major Mammeries (Raven Foyt), who has chainsaw blades extending from her boobies. A mass slaughter ensues, with fans being massacred and parts of Babezilla’s bodysuit being sawed open. Babezilla drops her drawers to pull out her cooter cannon, but the Cyber Skanks bring with them MechaBabezilla (Bobbi Jo), the evil robot version of our hero. As a laser beam blasts out of Babezilla’s vagina, it is met by an even stronger laser blast from behind MechaBabezilla’s metal labia.

“…porn star by day and reptilian barbarian queen by night…”
Left beaten and bloody to crawl from the wreckage, Babezilla receives a vision from Momzilla (Ginger Lynn), her dead dinosaur mother. Momzilla tells her daughter that she needs to seek out the wisdom and warm bosom of Master Beta (Jessa Flux), who can give her the training she needs to face her foes once again.
Babezilla Vs. The Cyber Skanks: Rise Of MechaBabezilla is a perfect example of the difference between being clever and being witty. Witty this is not, as the humor is blatantly subjuvenile and corn chip. But it is literally clever as f**k, with a lot of unexpected inventiveness in its elevated treatment of graphic nudity. As the market for softcore sex and skin fell through the floor with the advent of pocket-sized hardcore for free on your phone, we are now in a post-exploitation landscape where there are no longer any commercial nudity rules like before.

"…total party movie to the max. "