The lives of three lonely men intersect in director Derek Frey’s short comedy, Awkward Endeavors.
Written by David Amadio, Gil Damon, and Steve Kuzmick, the film follows Melinda (Kathleen Kozak), a piano teacher by trade. On this sunny afternoon, she has a full day of lessons. The first to arrive is Greg (Gil Damon), one of Melinda’s newer students, who also happens to be her regular pizza delivery guy.
“A series of awkward events is set off when Greg becomes a little too handsy during his piano lesson.”
Home for the day is Melinda’s husband, Jerome (Steve Kuzmick), who is cutting the shrubbery outside her window and peering in on the suspicious Greg. Soon, Paul (David Amadio) arrives to bug Jerome about his latest M. Night Shyamalan conspiracy theories. Finally, a series of awkward events is set off when Greg becomes a little too handsy during his piano lesson.
Awkward Endeavors finds its inspiration from the crime thriller The Man on the Train, but without the crime. It’s pretty much a comedic sketch about these three men and their seemingly inconsequential relationship with one another. Like a wind-up toy, the film puts these three characters in this potentially awkward situation and lets them go. The humor is mild as it becomes much more interesting to see where the story takes us.
For screening information about Awkward Endeavors, visit filmmaker Derek Frey’s official website.
"…finds its inspiration from the crime thriller The Man on the Train, but without the crime."