Writer-director Casey de Fremery dives into the relationship between a dominant and submissive in the short film, Avocado. Our tale begins with our submissive, Neil (Jeremy Parr), being strapped down, collar and all, by his dominant counterpart, Gabriela (Steph Martinez). Neil is nervous as it’s his first time. It is hers as well.
As you might imagine, the session begins as Neil lays prone on the bed, and Gabriela barks orders aggressively. Just as Neil begins to feel the rush of the experience, Gabriela insists he gives her the password to his phone.
“…strapped down, collar and all, by his dominant counterpart…”
Avocado runs for a brief seven minutes and quickly gets into the heart of the matter: the relationship between Neil and Gabriela outside this BDSM experience. Though I can’t say much more for spoiler’s sake, our story explores the issues of trust and openness in a relationship.
The performances of Parr and Martinez are sweet and to the point. Throughout Avocado, writer/director de Fremery is quite good at subverting expectations and finding a connection point between this extreme circumstance (if you’re not into BDSM) and being in a relationship.
Avocado can be viewed on YouTube.
"…subverting expectations and finding a connection point..."