Tensions are high along the border of India and Pakistan. It’s been that way for a long time. In director Jaiveer Bhatia’s action film, Arjun, one wonders what lengths a soldier will take to ensure victory for his homeland. The story takes place in the not-so-distant future as the conflict along the India/Pakistan border rages on.
Born out of tragedy, our hero, Arjun (Nikitin Dheer), is a top-notch soldier gifted in hand-to-hand combat and weapons use. Trained as a youth by his ruthless mentor, (Pallavi Patil), Arjun is equipped with a bionic arm, which replaced the one he lost when they first met in a tragic attack. However, while on a mission to stop an enemy incursion, Arjun discovers that the squad he took down was just a bunch of enlisted teenagers. Unable to execute the teens, Arjun is sent home by his mentor until he can get his head straight and return to his primary mission without questions or a conscience.
Recuperating at home, Arjun’s neighborhood is being searched by soldiers looking for Pakistanis in hiding. This proves difficult to figure out because, as the movie states, Pakistanis and Indians look alike. While looking for safety in his apartment complex, Arjun runs across a Pakistani teen girl (Ritika Shrotri). Arjun decides to hide her, but the two have severe trust issues.

“…Arjun runs across a Pakistani teen girl…[and] decides to hide her…”
Arjun is a low-budget action film, but Jaiveer Bhatia clearly had a few tricks up his sleeve. If you really step back and look, you’ll notice that there are not that many actors in the cast. Also, observe how the sets are sparse with props. The filmmaker effectively fills the screen to look much bigger than it is.
The film, written by Bhatia and Aaron Gordon, is just as much an action thriller as it is a drama. Bhatia decides to go the extra mile by giving his hero a missing arm and making that a part of his character. While there are good action beats, by forcing Arjun to make some tough choices, the story amps up the drama.
The heart of the film is in the performances of the two leads. Nikitin Dheer as Arjun and Ritika Shrotri as the Pakistani teen. The screentime they spend together is an exercise in trust and mistrust. But, at the same time, Arjun believes in his heart that peace and unity are possible versus simply being a mindless soldier following orders. The actor ably conveys this heartfelt sentiment without going too saccharine.
Filmmaker Jaiveer Bhatia has the best of intentions behind Arjun. He wants to bring hope in the midst of a longtime conflict. But, as good as his Indian action-adventure is, there are bigger issues to conquer if anything is to actually change.
For screening information, visit the Arjun Instagram page.

"…Bhatia has the best of intentions..."