Jonathan Thomson does a beautiful job of portraying the lead character, Harry. His emotions and facial expressions are sound and on point as he portrays a criminal on the verge of mental deterioration. He delivers his lines with such poise and passion, making every line meaningful and believable. Evalena Marie supports him well, delivering lines ranging from innocent bystander to demented conspirator. Both actors clearly possess a wide range of talent, and they present the audience with wonderfully acted scenes of crime and mental deterioration. Throughout the course of Among Them, the two shine and play brilliantly off one another. Dan Liebman, on the other hand, struggles to bring the same level of talent to the table, and it is incredibly clear. While there are glimpses of hope in his performance, the majority of his screen time sees him acting like a young child in a home video. He struggles to meet his acting counterparts on their level and often depletes the scenes in which he is a part as he seems to find difficulty in expressing the proper emotions both visually and verbally. As wonderfully talented as Thomson and Marie are, Liebman’s lack of talent takes away from many of the scenes in Among Them, leaving them to be just adequate instead of outstanding.
“…keeps audiences engaged from beginning to end and constantly asking themselves, ‘what will happen next?’”
Among Them is beautifully scripted and directed thanks to Barry and Marie. They develop a brilliant story about the human mind and will attract audiences from many walks of life. Perfectly paced, Among Them keeps audiences engaged from beginning to end and constantly asking themselves, “what will happen next?” With superior acting from two-thirds of the protagonists and less-than-adequate acting from the final third, the story is brought to life and manages to stand strong through the difficulties of Liebman’s talent (or lack thereof). Again, with a beautiful script that navigates the human psyche, Among Them delivers in nearly every way.
"…a flood of mysterious visuals that continue to drag audiences down the rabbit hole and forces them to question what is real."