JOIN US FRIDAY, JULY 31st AT 5PM PT FOR A WATCH PARTY! Don’t Be Nice is about the upstart Bowery Slam Poetry Team, made up of five African-American, Afro-Hispanic and queer poets in their 20s, as they prepare for the national championships. Join the filmmakers and artists from Don’t Be Nice along with special guests as the editors of Film Threat host a watch party for this remarkable and passionate documentary that won the Award This! prize for Socially Relevant Doc earlier this year. See Don’t Be Nice on Amazon Prime or on VOD with us and join the party!

Watch along with us and see Don’t Be Nice and join the conversation and throw us some questions in the chat. Be a part of the conversation and watch Don’t Be Nice with us live at 5PM Pacific Time on Friday, July 31st on Twitch, YouTube, Periscope via Twitter or on Facebook Live.
And if you missed the Watch Party, you can still catch it on YouTube.