Hot on the heels of 2005’s fabulously successful ‘CURSE OF THE GOLDEN SKULL’, those wacky folks that bring you the Trash Film Orgy are at it again…
That’s right, Trash Fans! The TFO Crew are gearing up to make their second feature film ‘MONSTER FROM BIKINI BEACH’-shooting this fall right here in the River City!
Currently in pre-production, ‘MONSTER FROM BIKINI BEACH’ is chock full of enough exploitation elements to make it a sure-fire cult classic! You’ll watch in horror as a bevy of bathing beauties fall prey to a terrifying creature from the deep in his search for all-night action in the seedy riverside town of Camaroville. ‘MONSTER FROM BIKINI BEACH’ is scheduled to start production in mid-September and will feature many of Sacramento’s finest actors (Stephen Vargo, Miles Miniaci, Stephanie Hyden, Keith Letl, Liesel Hanson) as well as mind-numbing special effects and plenty of hot monster mayhem!
But we need your help to make this exciting dream a cinematic reality! Yes, friends…for less than the price of lunch, you can help support local filmmaking by simply enjoying the finest in exploitation cinema-Trash Film Orgy style! And what better way to celebrate indy filmmaking than by screening award-winning director Peter Jackson’s first film ‘BAD TASTE’ – a low-budget DIY flick of epic proportions. Long before he made ‘LORD OF THE RINGS’, Jackson made movies the same way TFO does…by scrimping, scraping, begging and borrowing, by shooting on the weekends with friends and by simple dedication and perseverance. ‘BAD TASTE’ (1987) is a gross-out tale of aliens who have come to New Zealand in search of human meat for their intergalactic chain of fast food restaurants. It’s up to Peter Jackson and his pals from the Astro-Investigation and Defense Service to kick alien butt and save mankind from certain doom! Don’t miss your chance to see this splatter comedy on the big screen!
And of course, that’s just the beginning…
Trash Film Orgy will also present an array of fun short films, cartoons and trailers to enhance your viewing experience and will provide additional opportunities for you to help make ‘MONSTER FROM BIKINI BEACH’. Bring your checkbook and your rich Aunt Tilly, because besides the usual TFO merchandise you can buy, we will be holding a real live auction!! That’s right…bid to the death to own a piece of TFO history…buy yourself a part in the movie, a production credit, a dream date with a hot Trash Star, original TFO art, VIP passes for next year’s fest or a batch of amazing movie memorabilia! Win prizes in our special raffle and take advantage of $2 spankings in the lobby! This may quite possibly be the most fun you can have in a motion picture theatre. Don’t miss it!
It all happens SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 23RD at the historic and haunted CREST THEATRE-1013 K Street in Downtown Sacramento. Doors open at 11:30pm and the show starts at Midnight. All seats are $9.50.
For more info, visit the Trash Film Orgy website.